How to get square like this?

Hello , anyone can help me how to get square synth like a this Spotify ? Im trying -5pulse but its sounds very different

Which A4 (mki or ii)? If mki I might have a couple ideas…

Also, if that is in fact a square it sounds like there is a fair amount of filter resonance. To me, it sounds a lot like an fm sound but I am admittedly listening on my phone so…

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Mk2 . For me its sounds like a square idk 🫠

It may very well be a square for sure!

Oof, unfortunately my tips only work on the mki (having to do with the coloration and drive of the ladder filter) because the saturation is very different on the mkii.

The sound also seems to have a healthy dose of resonance so perhaps crank the resonance of filters 1/2 about a third to halfway, pull down the cutoff on both filters, and apply a filter envelope to taste.

Good luck and let us know if and how you nail it!


i doubt you’ll get near that sound with the A4’s squarewave.
i had a go with the osc feedback instead which is as close as i could get it…


It almost sounds like there’s some BPF going on? Maybe a ladder filter with resonance taking away some of the bottom end giving that band pass sound?

Can u please explain process ? 🥹

You can approximate that sound with any synthesizer that has 2 resonant lowpass filters. The first filter is tuned to a major 3rd plus an octave above the root note, and the second filter is tuned to a minor 7th plus an octave above the root note.

I don’t know a lot about the difference between various filter models, but there is probably a filter that accentuates the harmonics in the harmonic series, which is what that maj3 min7 tuning suggests. With some filters, you could probably get both harmonics going at once with the right resonance settings.

There is also a filter env, but it could just be really fast, then it sustains in those two resonances.

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i ended up working on something else so don’t remember sorry.

sheathe’s point about the 2 filters is good info, there was some of that in the example i posted.

i don’t know what that sound you’re after is from, would like to know too. it’s not a straight-up subtractive analog synth sound to my ears (could be digital?) so i’d take a look at the lesser-used areas of the A4 for this type of sound. AM, FM (audio rate LFOs), osc sync modes, osc’s filter feedback mode.

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That’s not a squarewave. At least not anymore!
Start with a squarewave, remove some harmonics with a 2-pole lpf and add some resonance. Then add a bit of reverb and some filter delay. Then EQ a bit perhaps. It has a tiny bit of filter modulation with an envelope too. You can get that basic typical techno sound with pretty much anything.

I d like to know process of your audio ( what uve posted up ) thats so close to what im searching . Anyways thanks a lot

I’m trying to replicate a similar square bass to the sound here at 7:01 into the vid

Not necessarily the squelchy bit but more that square hollow bass sound.

Anyone have any tips? I’ve only recently pulled out the A4 again and finding sound design on it a little difficult due to the amount of parameters and depth!

That link doesn’t work for me. :nerd_face:
Maybe this: Search results for 'square wave category:9' - Elektronauts

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