How to I route a track to just one of the outputs to a pedal?


I want to route just 1 of the Digitones tracks to an effects pedal and I think some do this by routing the track to the L or R output only then off to the pedal, of so how?


You could pan the one you want to route through the pedal to the left channel on the amp page and the other three tracks to the right, but you wouldn’t be able to use any of the DN’s effects, as they’re stereo.

Damn so the 1 that pans to the pedal let’s say L would be fine and the 3 remaining on the R would not be able to use any of the DN’s onboard effects?

Hmm if there is another way of doing this? I didn’t want to put the L and R through the pedal as all 4 tracks will be affected.

You might just have to buy a Digitone Keys! :grin:


You could use the effects, but you’d be able to hear them on both outputs, rendering separating them fairly pointless.

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i think you can pan the delay hard right/left as well and make it mono for one of the groups, but reverb and chorus are non pan able

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I’m tempted to by another Digitone. The Keys is too big for me though.

However I like the look of the Syntakt too.