How to make a donk on Syntakt?

Been trying to make some happy hardcore type stuff on Syntakt (couldn’t resist because of how perfect the kicks can sound for it) but struggling to get a good donk out of it. Tried with SY TONE AND SY RAW and just couldn’t figure out what to modulate or how to get the filter envelope to do what I wanted it to do.

Any tips from more experienced synth people?


I’m pretty sure a donk is best done via the digital FM engines, probably the 2op tone one.

I think you want to do an exponential envelope to increase the FM depth on your transient, then fade out. You don’t have any envelopes, but you can use the LFO as an env in one shot mode. They’ve also got a exponential curve option too, so you’re golden. I’d maybe try a 16x multiplier and try adjusting the speed to taste.

Filter wise, probably a low pass peaking with cutoff around about the spot of your bass root fundamental with a chunk of resonance. Apply positive envelope depth, short decay, no sustain. Shorter times will make it snappier.

Same with your amp, no attack, no sustain, short decay/release.

Hopefully it gets you closer to your donk, I don’t have a syntakt so I can’t be more specific with actual values, but I’m pretty sure I got a tasty little donk out the microfreak with a similar recipe :).

Yeah, you need a nice snappy envelope, so use an LFO on exponential in oneshot mode, as the standard filter and amp envelopes just aren’t quite snappy enough.

Better to use an FM voice, but a square wave will do otherwise.

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Ah, perc carbon might also be a good machine starter too, although I’d be lying if I said I could off the cuff give you parameters for shape, sweep, colour and contour to make it donk (I have a cycles, so I couldn’t tell you the carbon names for the perc machine). I could take a look at my cycles later and maybe pop something up if I get something tasty.

Yeah, I’ll get the ST out later and blackout crew the shit out of it.


Paging @Jeanne


Sound example or GTFO

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thx, @johnl … it’s done with SY TONE

Just here to like the thread title :heart:

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On the quick, various donky stuff …


Bringer of donks :+1:


Ratio 2.02 or 2.1 or 2.5 (depends on the octave you want to be in), close to max feedback, close to max mod, low pass filter to adjust how noisy it is etc. These Ratios deliver the wopwopwop that changes speed on different notes.


… feedback and mod slightly above half for a cleaner version … lots of possibilities …


I mean, what’s the point now @Jeanne’s banging it…


Put a Donk on it !
C l a s s i c :heartpulse:

I like this Donk classic.


It’s time to say it: It’s unbelievable how you nail these sounds all the time with just the Syntakt. Some admiration is justified here!


elektron Donktakt when


Donke schoen !


Thank you so much everyone really appreciate your help. Had no idea how cool the community was on here I’ll definitely be sticking around :slight_smile: