How to make the intro synth in 'GusGus - Fuel' on Digitakt

Hi. I am a beginner Digitakt user. Still trying to get it, especially the synth sounds.

I want to imitate the synth intro on GusGus - Fuel track. I am trying with Factory/Toolbox/Oscillators sounds but couldn’t manage to get it perfectly. There is a continuous wave and change in melody, and LFO on filter i suppose.

In the track there are to layers of synth sounds I think. Can you guide me how to get close to it?

I’ve no idea about the type of waveforms used etc. But it seems like delay is used throughout and if you keep a low-pass filter fairly low down for the whole line but p-lock a filter envelope on the first note it will give you that brighter attack that is then delayed a few times and pops out of the mix.

You’re trying to recreate a synth sound with a sampler. You’re not going to get it perfect. You might get somewhere in the ball park though.
I’d start with a saw wave, cutoff on low pass quite low and use the LFO’s for some tremolo, and vibrato effect, write the melody and the p-lock the filter envelope on the first note of the pattern. Add effects to taste.

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Also get the filter reso quite high!
The synth in the track you mentioned is quite distorted as well.

Don’t forget the (white?)noise that is starting over every phrase!
IT’s an important layer that makes the Intro alot more interesting than just the synth