How to organise a synth meet up

I didn’t, we are organising a local live gig and I have been spending all my attention on writing music. Hopefully I’ll pull my finger out soon!

I would love an electronic open mic night.

Five minutes to play, optional five minutes to ramblingly explain how you made it.

Two tables, switch between them for five minutes of overlapping setup / unplug.

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Book them and they will come.

Find budget to pay the artists and beers

Whereabouts are you?

I and some people with whom I work in a café are planning on doing music evenings. Sometimes concerts and sometimes jam sessions/open mics and we thought that it would be interesting to make some electronic jam sessions where a bunch of people can participate bringing their own gear and playing/improvising on stage live. But we haven’t come with a nice concept that it can work. For me it is hard to imagine how it can be organized with times, or who plays when and what…
Is someone in here experienced with something like that or doing that in a regular basis? how is it?
or if someone has ideas how something like that can be organized, I would be grateful for a brainstorming :wink:

I think it would be cool just to have a table setup with a hand full of synths and let the rest just happen like with an open stage. It would work well to ua e a “host” as with open mics, who can do small sets and facilitate jams. Of course the gear would need to be chosen for it’s user-friendly design and thatwould allow a host to easily show how to make sounds, etc.

The korg volcas I think would be an ideal setup. The sequencer is simple and there are plenty modules to select and put together. Such a setup could be made more versatile with some looper pedals with midi connection. Or the host could sample the volcas creations and produce music from that. The host work the technical roles, like with an open mic.

I’m in Oxford.

I think the problem with less formal meetups is that generally people meet in pubs but they have sticky fluid risks everywhere and no plugs so not good for interacting with devices together. Need some kind of venue. I hate to be the slack passenger but sadly I can’t organise.