How to organise a synth meet up

I’m thinking of trying to organise a synth meet up, but I’m not sure what the structure would/should be.
Without some kind of structure I can imagine awkward synth people (like me) staring at floors and it being a bit limp?
Thanks for any ideas.

  1. Provide tons of power outlets
  2. Ask people to bring their own gear, including headphones/desktop speakers if possible
  3. Ask for volunteering performers to play short sets inbetween synth nerdings
  4. Make sure the venue has decent space, and not least good ventilation
  5. A bar could be nice too
  6. Profit

I’m in the UK, so I was thinking of a pub back room to start off with - at least there is a bar.
Didn’t even think about profit, my idea would be to shake a bucket near the end to cover costs.


The profit part was a joke. The ventilation part wasn’t. Can’t stress that enough actually.


:laughing: Of course, it doesn’t seem like a major money making exercise…

No, it’s good to make sure someone brings some DSI or Sequential gear.


This is taken from (Order Of The Shadow Wolf CyBeRzInE):

Set up your own Synthesizer Club…

It’s the perfect occasion to socialise with likeminded spirits. Get high or
drunk, play with synthesizers you don’t own (yet), discuss different pattern
techniques and cable logistics; just overall dork out! These six easy steps
will guide you through the process of setting up your monthly festivity.
Fun is 100% guaranteed!

DOLPHINS”. If you want to be experimental and mysterious you could leave out
the word synthesizer, like “SYNERGY 101”, “VCO SYNDICATE” or “SPECTRA BOYS”.
If you have trouble choosing: ask your neighbour what name sounds the
freakiest to him and choose that one.

STEP 2: Design a logo. If you have the tools try making a stamp out of it,
this way you can design your own postcards and be all cool with that logo.

STEP 3: Invite your members in spe. Announce the birth of the synthesizer
club on forums, social media and whatever is being used at that time. Make a
website with lots of colours and make flyers which you can leave at record
stores and obscure clubs.

TIP: Having trouble finding juicy new members? Rummage through your old
yearbooks, look for the biggest dork and send him your awesome postcard.

STEP 4: Make the event happen. After getting some members, invite them to
your own house or to your local event location. Make them bring their synths,
power cables and headphones.

STEP 5: Decorate decorate decorate! Think big, think colourfull and flashy.
LED strips, plasma lighting, Fractal projections, lava lamps and interstellar
wall projections are all suitable options.

STEP 6: Get some waster material (alcohol, weed), drinks (Punica, Chocomel,
Fristi), snacks (liqourice, bananas, jellybeans). Anything goes except for
saucy things, extremely crumbly things and sticky things. WARNING: Cheetos
are an absolute no-no because of their smell and the sticky cheese powder
that stains the keyboard keys yellow.

It’s your own decision whether you want people to pay up for participation.
I would suggest asking for some small donation to cover some of the costs.

Article Appendix: cool suggestions

  • BINGO: Also a nice way to fund your club. Make people pay up 5 bucks for
    a bingo ticket and use the money to buy prices. If you are slick you can use
    the money for the club and use crappy things as prices. Such as old keyboards,
    records, synth cleaning equipment, synth magazines etc. etc. ad infinitum.
  • Make a zine with information regarding synths, your club and cool events
    in the world.
  • Make laminated club passes. This enhances the feeling of authenticity and
    importance. You can get DIY laminating kits at most office supply stores.
  • Set up workshops, concerts, parties, synth-picnics, garage sales, micro
    festivals and talkshows.
  • Have cool aliases for the club members. Pamaha 303, NitewaveRitzz of
    Proraver 2000 are examples that should put you on the right track.

Where in the UK? I’ll happily come and stare into a pint and look at synths if it’s not too far away. ESPECIALLY if the synth club has a cool name


when i pull up, just throw it all into my car, i’'l make sure to keep them tidy

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I would start small. Gather a small group like minded souls, perhaps some nearby Elektronauts, and meet up a couple of times.

Muck about with this until you, as a group, have figured out what technical issues need answers. This will also assist in finding the best way to break the ice.

Will this be a show and tell? Will it be a group performance?

I would tend toward the latter. Simply showing off and discussing gear gets old quickly, possibly not so for modular groups but it otherwise becomes dull.

Maybe set a theme for the collaboration. Berlin, noise, EDM. Much like a church potluck perhaps everyone should state what they may bring so you do not have five drum machines and nothing else (unless that is your goal).

During the worst part of the shut down I had begun a small group of players, guitarists since it began with giving some co-workers lessons. It was starting to evolve into a weekly meet up until the two most active friends decided to impregnate their wives.

Children: the cause of, solution to and recurring source of life’s problems. :wink:

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Depending on the area I might be in, have Mpc, will travel.


I’m based in Oxfordshire, I would do it in Oxford. My idea is to start small, take over a small room in a pub. Have some performances, work towards collaborations, try for a group performance.
Show and tell?
swap tips and tricks?
All will be welcome…
Love all the suggestions :slight_smile:


I’m looking to do a synth jam meetup here in Northern California Sacramento area.


Damn, these are all really good ideas, myself and some other seattle area members have briefly glanced at an effort, but have thus far failed at an actual meet up. One day though…

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oh my god if i didnt already love legowelt i love him even more now. instantly knew it was him when i saw the word ‘freaky’ hahahaha


I’m just down the road in West Berkshire so I’d be up for it.
As I’m new into the world of synthesis, sampling, et al, I’d love to talk through (show and tell) approaches to composition, sampling, drum patterns, FM synthesis…I guess more of a teaching/learning session than a jamming session but maybe there’s room for a bit of both?
Great idea…

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Nertz! I’m dying to break out my Evolvers. I’m only ten thousand miles away or so. I may be running late.


mono, poly or both? i’ll wait. :slight_smile:


hopefully one day after covid ends we can have more fun synth meetups. Would love to get a dozen or so synth geeks like myself together for monthly meetups in northern California. I miss the synth meetups in San Diego that were tons of fun and introduced me to the world of Elektron and modular synths.


Did you ever organise an Oxfordshire synth meet? I could get there!