How to play a complete drums midi track with AR

Can you explain step by step how to play a midi track of complete drums with the AR without having to divide the various parts of the drum into different midi tracks for LOGIC PRO X?


I’m not sure to understand completely your question but I would use SONG mode.
However keep in mind that MIDI notes implementation on the AR is limited to the AR itself. It can not sequence external gear.

I think he is looking for a drum map like in Cubase, or a drum rack like in LIVE, which plays the whole drumset on one midi track.

Create a software instrument track-> load the Ar audio unit --> play C -2 to B -2 notes range.

Have fun! :cb:

ehm, sorry for the question: Does Logic distrubute theses notes on seperate midi channels in only one ‘software instrument’?

No, logic doesn’t do that.
page 16 of AR manual : “Of the 128 notes in the standard MIDI range, 0-11 corresponds to notes C0 through to B0, the leftmost octave (which is sometimes called C-2 - B-2 in certain applications) will trigger the Sound of track 1 through to track 12, respectively (provided they are set to their default channels 1-12). These note values map to each of the twelve tracks, regardless of which track is active.”

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