I’m trying to make an arp consisting of 5 notes but as it seems each step won’t accept more than four notes. is this an inherent limitation or am i doing sth wrong?
Maybe I’m misreading what you are trying to communicate but how could the A4 use more than 4 notes per step since it only has 4 voices?
Playing an arp is not the same as playing all four voices simultaneously. it can only use one voice and plays them sequentially.
you can read about arp here:
Ah. Ok. I had owned an A4 a long while back. The “per step” part threw me off but I remember now.
Have you tried with keyboard/external midi?
Arp on, but sending 5 notes from another seq/DAW or keyboard. Should work I guess?
Or maybe record the arpeggio onto a track as trigs? Live recording works with incoming midi notes, so you could record your arpeggio easily with software/hardware arp (or simply play yourself^^).
yes, I already know that it would work with the incoming midi. I use a QY700 as my main sequencer and there’s no problem regarding the midi coming from it to AK. But sometimes i just like to play around with the AK alone and not to fiddle around with QY700 and that’s when i feel the need for putting more than four notes per step. I already wrote to elektron to see if they include it in the next update as it is an unnecessary limitation.
Thanks for the link!
Not much you can do besides using an external arp or recording the arpeggio into a pattern, I’m afraid.
A4/AKs arp isn’t exactly feature-rich compared to other Elektrons, especially compared to OT, so I pretty much haven’t used in years.
There’s indeed no apparent reason for the note limit, though, the arp can’t be p-locked anyways, so it wouldn’t matter if additionally played notes were displayed or not.
All I can think of is memory as the arp is saved with a pattern.
Ja, but I don’t think that would be such a hassle for the ram. it’s merely bytes of data. And I actually love the AK so far. the fact that it doesn’t have a sampler also makes it more appealing to me. The only thing which is meh is that it doesn’t have a sustain pedal input. OT or any kind of table-top synth is a no no for me. I have this occult feeling about synths with keyboards and beside arps I never actually sequence as i find it a slower process than recording as playing. Thanks for your commitment in answering.