How to record retrig tracks on Syntakt

Hello, I am doing a piece and I have already done 11 tracks, but the twelve I want to record a retrig track using a retrig snare, but I don’t know how to do it. Every time I try to record doesn’t stay record. Someone can help me please? Many thanks

Are you live recording it? I had this same issue only had ST for few days now. I just tried again doing it live recording quantized and it worked for me. Took me a couple of tries though. Hope this helps.

Also welcome to the great community!

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Yes, I am doing Live Recording. And I also have the Syntakt a few days ago. But how do you manage to do it? Remember what you have done?. Thank you :slight_smile:

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I honestly hit the second retrig mod button and i pressed record and play to record my retrig and it worked… Eventually :sweat_smile:

Well… that’s luck! :wink: Its a Zen way to resolve problems: let the problem resolve by himself :smiley: but doesn’t help… I hope someone can tell me how to do it by Steps… Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

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Yes im sorry couldnt be more useful in your question as I am still a noob to this device. In the meantime I may also suggest a look at the manual on Page 25 it explains it can be live recorded.

Using the trig modifiers is a performance functionality mainly meant to be played live in the default play mode. But, it can also be recorded to the sequencer in LIVE RECORDING mode in the form of parameter locks (or retrig settings, for the retrig modifier).

I hope you find the way and best of luck.

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Hello :slight_smile: I do it how you have said (put in quantize mode), and then I record it, and it works :DDDD

Many thanks!!!

I am happy now… you save my day!!!

Best Regards



Nice!! Enjoy my friend! My pleasure but it truly was the Zen approach :wink:

