How to report a user?

For no reason I just received the message below:

I’ll tell you what dickwad, go fuck yourself

but I’m sure that’s all you get to do anyway

To which I politely replied:

I love you too (name removed), but would you mind telling me what this is all about?

How do I report this guy?

Click on his avatar / forum picture, under recent activity there is a button: report user


You told me, in other words to get fucked (in public)

Then you go crying about a PM reply (in public) claiming it was out of the blue.

Lol you ought try that stuff in real life and see how well it goes for you.

Get out of your bedroom and stop wanking.

Are there any toys left?

Did I mention your name in my post?

You just exposed me for what I am, a poor keyboard warrior with no real life, I’m a professional troll who spends his life insulting people, safe behind the monitor because I know I would never have the balls to say anything in real life.

Or maybe I’m just an adult that instead of insulting people deals with issues in a pacific, non-confrontation way.

As I told you in my reply, I love you too.

…u got more in common than u think…

and ur both blessed by beeing able to spent time of life, that is running through u any second, with fooling around on fancy machines that just make sound…no matter on which pro level u are right now today…

feel blessed and be thankful…both of u…

life is a bitch and can kick ur arse anytime…so feel gifted for real…and say thanx to life once in a while…

hey, bro, maybe I should not have said this… on second thought I may have overreacted. … I would like to take it back and apologize,… I can understand your reaction …

any chance you 2 would like to settle this, after , even after what had been said?

Battle to the death or fuck off.


Given that the majority of guys here would be, I imagine, a bit washed up, maybe a few ponytails and most likely a bunch of IT experience, I’m often surprised by the level of macho balls-out aggression and attitude you can find here, ON AN ELECTRONIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT FORUM. Such passion, it feels as if you’re watching a Spanish duel sometimes.

I’m a pretty gentle person myself but I do come from a pretty rough background, nasty aggressive crimes back in the little thug years (lol). Coming from that place, tough words always leads to an actual fight.

The Internet is like a diaphragm. A lot of pumping but nothing actually gets through. :stuck_out_tongue:

The ultimate condom for neutered male spunk.

Two men enter; one man leaves…

Two men enter; one man leaves…

Two men enter; one man leaves…

I’d say something along those lines if I knew what triggered his message, I asked, he didn’t reply. Instead he preferred to out himself here and go all macho man on me…

I guess the only solution is what some people suggested, a duel.
An Elektron duel.

Somebody make a suggestion for the rules, pick something simple and non time-consuming as I’m not willing to waste too much time on this, something like most annoying loop or given the circumstances, most aggressive loop, and some other people judge the winner…

Loser has to apologise, winner get the honour of having won something completely useless…

At least, let’s keep this fun!

I say flip the script and both try to make the most thoughtful, well intentioned loop. A loop that gets to the absolute heart of things.

Or maybe for causing such little fuss on this forum we should be punished together and be forced to write a song together, in person if viable otherwise online…

Over zealous comment
leads to
classless personal abuse
leads to
daft thread
resulting in
no comprehension and no contrition
then becomes
absurd, beyond parody ‘duel’ …


elektron duel! both of you make a short piece of music. 1 minute max. only elektron machines. we vote who wins.

Hopefully you noticed the ironic/parodic intent of the whole duel thing…

This cracked me up haha