How to restore a deleted machine

Hey, I accidentally deleted the GND-BD. Factory or empty resets don’t seem to restore it. How do I restore it ?

I have never heard of this before! Wow. As far as I understand one cannot delete machines from the list.

Are you entirely sure you “deleted” it?

Perhaps you could try updating to the last available OS as an alternative to a factory reset.

Not even sure how I managed to do that. Will try reinstalling the latest firmware to see if that fixes it when I come home tonight.

really??! :scream:[quote=“Leyy, post:1, topic:33593”]

I didn’t know this machine would ever existed before…so you deleted a ghost??:joy:

Sorry for being hilarious and stupid…but you might have mistyped it…since in the GND engine exist only: -SN -NS - IM or –

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Oh ok, I thought the – line was something I had deleted on accident. I’m stupid. Pack up boys I’m just retarded.


Dont be so hard on yourself. We all have our moments.



And I believe you were having so good and deeep moments just a second before this bad thought…

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You guys are too kind :blush: