How to save a Pattern/Project in quick?

forgive me my ignorance for the manual please,
but i was allready diving in there. I was even wearing a wetsuit plus a air cyclinder to have enough air…it wasn´t helping :wink:

is there such thing like a quick save for the project like on the DT ( DT: Func + Cogwheel…then: “yes” ) ?

right now i have to walk around the block just to save …to be shure to not lose my work.
there shurely must be better…elektron:Quicky

Func + Settings will perform a temporary save (Settings button is the little spanner).

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yes, i used to do this ( automaticly in fact)
but: the term “temporary save” was confusing me

so is this quick save “save enough” ?..and nothing gets lost,
when allways just relying to that type of quick save ?

or would you folks say:
save per quick save during a session, but bevore powering down proceed a “proper save” ?

Hold Func + Settings to save the pattern not temporarily :slight_smile:
Love your pseudo btw haha

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The manual is very clear about what “temporary save pattern” does and that it isn’t a permanent one.

The TEMPORARY SAVE PATTERN command does not save the pattern permanently, and any changes are lost if you load another project. If you wish to save your changes permanently, you should use SAVE PATTERN in the CONFIG menu. For more information, please see “12.1.2 SAVE” on page 41.

And further on page 41:

You can also press and hold [FUNC] + [SETTINGS] for a second to access the Save pattern functionality.

So to summarize:

  1. tap [FUNC]+[SETTINGS] => temporary save (not permanent)
  2. hold [FUNC]+[SETTINGS] => permanent save (same as navigating to save pattern in the config menu)

Actually there is no shortcut for save project.


Thanks for the hand !
my manual is written differently btw.
since i just downloaded it these days would i guess its the newest one.
it says OS 1.12

…its again a manual that i can´t read for long. my brain is clamping down quite quick again.
yours is written in a nicer and better understandable form, imho

copy&paste, from page 41, chapter 12.1.2:

12.1.2 SAVE

You must have saved the project at least once before you can save pattern information. You will be prompted to save the project first. If you try to save a pattern to an unsaved project.

Saves the active pattern’s sequence data and sound data to the project. It also opens a NAMING menu where you can rename the active pattern before saving the pattern. A prompt then appears when you select this option. Press “YES” to save, or “NO” to cancel the operation.

You can also press and hold [FUNC] + [SETTINGS] for a second to access the Save pat- tern functionality.

its coming from when the first octatracks were out,
beeing entirely in a Beta state, with a manual that was describing functions that were just not there,
and the OT having functions implemented on the other side, that were not mentioned in any way in the manual.

i think it took me 4 hours, and i still got NO SOUND out of my brandnew lovely OT,
so i came here ( the old forum, though )

a few other manuals later were my enthusiasm for manuals killed, haha.
today, i usually understand the manual after i understand a machine, lol
but that´s how things have turned for me

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Nope. It’s the same one (the latest from the Elektron support page / OS 1.12).

The first paragraph I’ve quoted is from page 33. Just search the manual for “temporary save”.


thanks !
i got it in the meantime all sorted.
works like a charme now :wink:
( i mean the different save scenarios)