How to see which sound is assigned to track

New A4 owner here. :wink: It seems like a simple question, but is the only way to see which sound is assigned to one of the 4 tracks is by going to the ‘rename trk sound’ menu?

Is there not a simpler way of seeing which sound is assigned? There doesnt seem to be a way to see the assignments in the kit menu either.

But like I said, I’m a new owner so I’d be glad to be proven dumb.

Double click on the track.

Sounds do not get assigned but copied into the current kit’s sound slots. Except for the actual data, there’s no link between the sounds in the kit and the sounds in the sound pool and drive+.

Anyway, I don’t have my A4 at hand right now, and I can’t remember if there’s another way to view the current track’s sound name. I don’t even know why kits have individual names for the track-sounds as they don’t show up anywhere?

Thanks Snowcrash. I’ll have to a bit more creative my kit naming perhaps.

Zymos, the double tap only brings up the sound browser.

press the track button in, but keep in mind snowcrash’s point about kit ‘version’ of sounds

Sorry, it’s just a single click…

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I think “Press and Hold the Track Key” is what describes the procedure best… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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‘press the track button in’ is (>50%) unambiguous :wink:

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I was referring to Zymos…

Nope, at least on the AK, don’t know if it is different on the A4.
Press and release = single click. You don’t need to hold the button down. When you release the button, the sound assigned to the track is displayed, and stays displayed until you do something else.

Got it! Thanks for the help!

how do i check what saved sound it is that is active on a track?

Tracks use the sounds from the associated Kit. It is possible to have a Kit sound that has never been saved to any of the sound banks.
OB is the best way (albeit tedious) to determine the status of sounds on the A4 but there is no easy way to confirm if or where a Kit sound is stored in a sound bank.

Is there a way to find out the name of the current preset used in a track?

asked many times, try the search

you can’t you can only read a name - it doesn’t mean the sound is the same as a sound on your drive with the same name as a sound in the kit is divorced from everywhere else

basically you can’t - but the name is a clue

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no. unfortunately not.

plain simple NO.

i wish it was different.

Is there a way to set what sound bank comes up when double clicking on track button? Or is there a way to jump from bank to bank in the sound browser? I know that func + arrow jumps by ten or something close to that. Is their a larger increment? Right now, when I double click, it goes to first sound in bank A. Thx

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your sound browsing will be either all or a specific bank

to toggle between those modes whilst in the browsing view you’d press the desired trig corresponding to a bank number A-P 1-16, this will take you to a new starting place bank - if you want to see all banks again, just press the same letter again whilst browsing and it’ll again show all banks, then select a new bank to browse etc

that should be what you need to get around more efficiently

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Thanks for your response :slight_smile: This help a lot!

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