How to send audio to Analog Four Output Channels Main L and Main R via Overbridge (in Ableton)?

Is it possible to route audio in Ableton to the two channels labeled “Main L” and “Main R” shown in the “Output Channels To” section of the Elektron Overbridge Control Panel app? I have a screenshot of the app and channels attached to the post.

I want to be able to monitor what I’m playing out of Ableton through the headphones output of the A4. That way, if I have the A4 synced to Ableton via Overbridge, I can monitor the A4 audio and Ableton audio in sync through the headphone output of the A4. It’s easier for me to sketch out patterns on the A4 when I’m monitoring it real-time, so I’m hoping this is possible.

My current workaround is sending Ableton audio to the Synth Trk 3 and 4 inputs, but then I can’t really use those tracks’ oscillators (because the Ableton audio is playing through them).


I see “Main L” and “Main R” as options for the sidechain inputs when using the Analog Four standalone app, but I do not see them when using the plugin version of the app. Is the plugin version of the app missing this feature?


Ok, this definitely exists on the plugin version as well. Not sure how I missed this last night… whoops! My mistake


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