How to send MIDI stop message to Synthesizer

Hi there, I am trying to use the Digitakt as a control center for different synthesizers using MIDI messages.

There is a microkorg in my setup that uses a program with a running arpeggiator and the sequencer steps do control the CC values as decay, cut-off, mute… with some trigs.

Now the play of the arpeggiator shall immediately stop if a certain step in the sequence is executed. When the STOP button is pressed twice the arpeggiator stops, but that is a manual interaction. Is there a CC# value to send a stop command? Also I would like to start and stop the sequencer of other synthesizers, where manual start / stop controls through the Digitakt do work.

Not sure if I understand correctly…There is a MIDI All notes off CC in the 12x range. Is the ARP on latch/hold? Maybe instead program the notes and note lengths in DT.

I assume that this is what you want to happen, not what is actually happening.

I don’t own a MicroKORG, but I read in its manual that you can send an NRPN message to control its arpeggiator settings. To send an NRPN message from the DT you will need to send the correct values for each of the three CC messages that comprise the required NRPN message.

If the MK is responding to MIDI notes from the DT then you could always not send MIDI note messages.

If the above suggestions are too complex for you then you could assign a CC message (for example, CC7) to “LEVEL” in the MK’s CC MAP page.

You will need to find out how each individual synthesizer responds to MIDI messages.


@PeterHanes: Exactly I want a sequencer step to stop the sound of the Synthesizer.
That could in my opinion the same command that is executed from the Digitakt by pressing STOP (the rectangular button).
For some reverb or delay sounds I can mute the volume in the next sequencer step by adjusting #07 - “MAIN-VOL”.

In the mikrokorg s manual, “all notes off” is CC#123 which I cannot adjust in the Digitakt AMP page, because the largest value is CC#119. I am not so familiar with the Non Registered Parameter Numbers NRPN but I found the these parameters in the Digitakt:
#98 - “NRPN LSB”
#99 - “NRPN MSB”

The manual describes the following for the Arpeggiator control, but they mixed up the numbering system:
• ON/OFF: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 02, Bn, 06, mm]
• RANGE: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 03, Bn, 06, mm]
• LATCH: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 04, Bn, 06, mm]
• TYPE: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 07, Bn, 06, mm]
• GATE: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 0A, Bn, 06, mm]

Because of that I had the confusion.

The correct writing for HEX values would be e.g. 0x63 and this is #99 which is “NRPN MSB”, bingo.
• ON/OFF: [Bn, 0x63, 00, Bn, 0x62, 02, Bn, 0x06, mm]
• RANGE: [Bn, 0x63, 00, Bn, 0x62, 03, Bn, 0x06, mm]
• LATCH: [Bn, 0x63, 00, Bn, 0x62, 04, Bn, 0x06, mm]
• TYPE: [Bn, 0x63, 00, Bn, 0x62, 07, Bn, 0x06, mm]
• GATE: [Bn, 0x63, 00, Bn, 0x62, 0A, Bn, 0x06, mm]

The mikrokorg s manual writes: All notes off (CC#123) [Bn, 7B, 00] (Value: 00), but I cannot set 0x7B = 123d as mentioned.

Also there are values for the real-time messages:

Obviously the Digitakt sends this messages because the START and STOP button works by a manual press.

Do you have an idea how to set these to a step sequencer step with the Digitakt? Thx a lot for your answers!!!

The ARP is on latch (red LED, where it is continuously running). I definitely do not want to program the notes using the Digitakt because the device already has this information stored in the Pgm. And the Pgm can also easily be backuped. The idea to put all parameters to the Digitakt like timbre, pitch, voice, delay etc. IMHO would be a lot of effort. I am wondering why such basic controls as start/stop are not described first in the MIDI description of all manual. But probably I am just a bloody noob.

That will only be transmitted by MIDI from the DT when you manually press its Stop button because it is not expected behaviour to stop one device in a MIDI system without stopping all the others. There is no other way to send this Stop message without adding an intermediate processing device between the DT and the MK.

Yes, so you can use the DT’s MIDI track CCs to send the three CC messages required in order to transmit an NRPN message on the same sequencer step. For example, to switch off the arpeggiator:

  • CC 99 (NRPN MSB) with value 0
  • CC 98 (NRPN LSB) with value 2
  • CC 6 (Data Entry MSB) with value anywhere in the range from 0 to 63

The messages need to be sent in that exact order.

You may find that the DT does not send the CC messages if the value is the same as the previous value sent, so you (for example) may need to switch the arpeggiator on using MIDI from the DT again before switching it off again.

There are actual single byte Start / Stop messages defined in the MIDI standard, for the MIDI clock. Digitakt and Digitone do read these as well.

MIDI Start: 0xFA
MIDI Continue: 0xFB (imagine like a Play after Pause)
MIDI Stop: 0xFC

These go along with contiuous clock ticks at 24 ppq that define a MIDI clock (0xF8).

So if your external gear can read MIDI clock ticks, chances are you can start, stop, reset their arpeggiators with these commands. You can send MIDI clock from your Digitakt (IIRC “clock send” in sync settings). Then see whether you Synth responds to the start and stop, and tempo changes on your Digitakt - you might need to enable reading MIDI clock on your Synth too.

I doubt you’ll be able to put a custom 1 byte MIDI commands on any of Digitakt’s keys and trigger it manually though. Maybe you can come up with creative ways to switch presets (one with arp enable and one without arp) or something like it.