How to send play message to M:C? (Not using Ableton transport controls)


This is my first post here and the M:C is my first elektron device.

tl;dr version:

  • Is it possibly to send play and stop commands to the M:C? The manual doesn’t specify these (or am I missing something?)

  • Is there some nice way to send several PGM messages over time from one clip in Ableton?

I’m putting together a live set that uses the M:C as the main drum machine for several songs. It is blended with live instruments and clips playing from Ableton. Ableton is used for launching each song.

I’ve run into a problem. I’d like to send play and stop messages to the M:C from Ableton. It kinda works with syncing the transport play and stop in Ableton, but it is not optimal at all.

The biggest problem is that the M:C continues playing until it gets the stop message from Ableton, and that means that I have to stop all audio in Ableton (i.e. if I want other clips to continue playing after the M:C goes silent, that won’t work!).

Another problem is getting the pattern to change correctly. As the pattern changes are done by PGM messages and Ableton won’t let you draw PGM messages as automation in a clip this becomes a problem. Instead of using one clip with several PGM changes I will need to make a new clip for each pattern change. This means that the session becomes much more messy than I would like to (other “backing tracks” are not split on several clips, but instead e.g. the bass for one song is one long clip).

There seems to be a M4L solution: Ableton Live Program Change Automation - YouTube
But I have not yet tried how it works. Any ideas on a better workflow?