How to setup Ableton for recording and monitoring at the same time?


having the AR just two weeks, I am a bit puzzled of how to use Overbridge when recording.

When I use my Focusrite audio interface, I can record from the AR OB plugin, but I can not see individual voices/outs. When I use the AR as audio interface, I have access to the individual outs (yeah), but I don’t know how to monitor on headphones - Ableton sends the audio to overbridge on the mains, and I get an echo on my headphones.

So how do you set it up for recording individual voices separately, yet momnitoring everything together (the master track) on headphiones?




A YouTube video from Dataline maybe helpfull.

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Thank you, problem solved. I did not know that the AR track had sub-audio In Ableton.

Great link,


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