How to Shift a Pattern's Trigs

I think this is a rather common issue that probably happens to a lot of musicians on plenty of gear, but I can’t seem to figure out the fix for it on my MD.

I have a pattern that starts on beat 9 and I want to shift the trigs back up to the first beat… how can I do this on the MD? I’ve been digging everywhere to figure it out. Thanks!

Function + arrow (left if you want it sooner, right if you want it later)?
At least it is that way on OT.

Also, you have to move each track individually. Would be nice if it could be toggled between individual tracks and the entire pattern.

Must be an OT feature because on the MD Function + Arrow is only adjusting the tempo, the same feature that Arrow alone performs.

You need to be in Grid Record mode for it to work on the OT, or the MD.

It works in Grid Record Mode works perfectly! Thanks bros!

Thanks, forgot about that detail… it makes sense though!

Yeah it totally makes sense now that I see it working.