How to stop Digitone from recording Velocity and Length values?

Does anyone know if it’s possible to prevent the Digitone from automatically recording Velocity and Length values in Live Record mode?

I’m recording a sequence using the onboard keyboard, and it’s somehow recording both velocity and trig length values on every step - and that’s not what I want.

I’m an OT user; so I’m used to being able to change the option to record trig length or not. However, I couldn’t find this setting or a mention of this anywhere in the manual, so I’m not sure if this is possible.

Any advice?


Well this is very strange because if you are using the onboard keyboard then it should def not be recording velocity as that keyboard is not velocity sensitive. As for not recording the note lengths I had this problem with my DN except I wanted it to record midi note length and it wasn’t. After some research i learned it really only records midi note length when you are transmitting on the auto-channel. So my advice would be to get a really cheap midi controller that does not send velocity and transmit on anything but the auto-channel

Not sure if this will help. Press Yes while inputting notes with controller to lock trig length to the the time you press the key (p.34 of manual).