How would I connect my Keystep 37 to my DN and DT setup?

I’m new to all this. I have setup my Digitone and Digitakt like this Setting up Digitakt+Digitone combo (and 10 minutes of noodling) - YouTube and it’s great.

How would I connect my Keystep 37 to the Digitone as I’m using the midi in?


One way is: Midi out from digitakt (master) to keystep midi in, then keystep midi out to digitone midi in.

This won’t allow you to play digitakt with the keystep. You’ll be good to go on digitone tho

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Running a similar set up. I do keystep out > digitakt in, digitakt out > digitone in. I use the the first four midi tracks on the digitakt to mute and play the digitone. If you put you keystep on the same midichannel as the auto channel you can play both your digitakt and digitone by selecting the tracks on your digitakt. Only downside to this is that the digitakt doesnt pass through any mod wheel, pitch wheel or aftertouch to the digitone (which is the one thing i’d like to see in an future update). You could do digitakt through > digitone in though if you want that, but than you have to manually pattern select both devices and you wouldn’t be able to use mute mode on the digitakt for both devices (the digitakt has a way better mute mode than digitone imo). Hope this helps?