How would your dream sequencer look like?

If you could built your dream sequencer, how would it look and what features would it have? I’m asking to get inspired for programming my own sequencer.

Note that having ton of features doesn’t automatically lead to a better sequencer. Sometimes, if not most of the time, a limited feature set inspires you more to think out of the box.

A few questions to inspire your thoughts:

  • How would you handle the balance between live jam/tweakability and deep programming? What’s more important to? You e.g. completely different on an Elektron sequencer which is very menu driven vs. a Cirklon sequencer, which has an encoder per step.
  • What are your favorites features of each sequencer you have?
  • Should it rather be compact (like Elektron sequencers) or big with a ton of knobs (cirklon or analog sequencer)?
  • Should it have a display?
  • Should it rather have encoder or Poti?
  • What do you think of displaying the sequences as colored clips simliar to Ableton Lives Session view instead of having them simply numbered (e.g. A01 to G16)?
  • What’s a feature you want and is currently not available in any current sequencer?

A few different concepts of sequencers. Note how each concept leads to different inspiration while using the sequencers.

  • Elektron: Menu driven, but still very live tweakable. Modified Parameters get to assigned to specific steps (Parameter Lock)
  • Cirklon: Very deep but also live jammable thanks to the encoder per step. Modified parameters get modified on all steps (midiCCLane)
  • Analog sequencer: One knob per step. What you see is what you get. Limited sequencer tweak options
  • Pyramid: Also very menu with tons of tweak options like midi effects
  • Toraiz: Many features for live jamming with the sequences (like direction, speed, melodic control, groove bend)
  • MPC: Next to the usual step sequences, it also has midi clips
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Squarp Pyramid with more pads (32 or 64), more encoders (say, 16), more physical MIDI Out ports (4 or 5), and USB Host (with 2–4 ports) would be right that.

regarding last question: i have Axoloti for that.

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Something between the euclidean setup of the Torso T-1 that’s coming out, and the Elektron sequencer, honestly. But, with deeper parameter locking featuring separate conditional options for each parameter you “lock” on a single trig, multiple MIDI and CV outputs, and 128 steps . I really like the Elektron sequencer, but there’s not enough “surprise” as is happening with the algorithmic stuff - you could argue that you’re locked in with that, but with so many tweaks and knob combinations that go into how the algorithms react, there’s much more generative patterns emerging.

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there’s a lot of great hardware sequencers already. MPC, OT, Cirklon, Polyend Tracker, Pyramid, Engine, etc… I’m guessing if you’re taking on this challenge, you have a good idea of what you’re after, no? just curious what that might be, and why you’re asking what we want, then…

A combination of those two …

GenoQs Octopus
Mode Machines SEQ 12

Take what the Elektron sequencer does and add:

  • More polyphony per step
  • Per note length/velocity
  • Flexible pattern chaining/song mode
  • More knobs for parameter control
  • Mutation features (using a knob to randomly skew/mutate configurable parameters/timing)
  • Sophisticated arpeggiator




Love this question!!

I just watched Sonic State’s review on the Roland MC-707 and was surprised at how many boxes it ticked for me.
(Unfortunately, they then pointed out the minimal Looping & Playback time / memory, which was a dealbreaker for them, and for me…)

That said, of the MC-707, I like the fader per track, the 1/4” input on the back for Audio thru + Sampling + Looping feature, and also letting you resample and also loop anything you’re playing inside the MC-707.

This in combo with the per-track Ableton-style clip and scene recorder/ launcher …yeah, I love those elements!!

For a long time I’ve wanted a simple hardware sequencer who’s role was also just as much a mixer & looper as a sequencer.

Yes - Octatrack, I see you - we’ve danced, partied…but didn’t marry…

So maybe if you took these machines:

Digitakt (but give it many of the Octatrack Audio-thru & FX, CF Card playback, Crossfader)
The elements and features of the MC-707 I gushed about earlier…
-Physical, Per-Track fader + knobs
-Audio In
-Improved >Looper < with lots of memory or ability to record & playback from a SD or CF or QXD card :slight_smile: (of both internal tracks & external audio tracks going into it’s Audio-Input)
-Ableton-Style Visual Clip - recording & playback
(But with a color screen that a little larger)

[for looping wishlist, please see Boss RC-505 Loop Station or the smaller version, RC-202 ]
4x4 (MPC) -or- 2x8 (Digitakt or MC-707) - style Drum Pad Layout
8 (or more) programable knobs that can be assigned to internal parameters -or- to send external MIDI (see Novation SL MK3 knobs + little screens + their Components web app)

Errr…I wanted to take all of that, and put it into a Tascam Model 12 mixer/ recorder…and then make special hardware MIDI keyboard that this magical sequencer box could fit nicely into, or just be taken away separately (think a modern and quickly connecting / disconnecting version of the Korg Radias)…

Shit…and please make it have the option of battery power and at a price I can afford…and have it be wildly popular so there are a ton of amazing videos that take my hand and walk me through this cornucopia of a machine…

…Right now I feel tricked into working out my deep inner fears and desires…almost like therapeutic-journal page where you write your deepest and darkest fears, knowing that no one will see and you will immediately burn in a symbolic gesture of growth…

In short, I want all my toys and tools, put into 1 machine…

I think it’s important for me to note that I haven’t gotten into the details of the actual sequencing…Which actually make sense for how I think of these things - visual and mostly physical…maybe a reason why one of my favorite combos will always be an MPC100 (JJOS) + Korg MS2000 + bass & guitar + super simple interface…

and probably why I’ve been moving towards hardware mixers+ recorders along with loopers…

Then just letting a synth be a synth, or a guitar be a guitar, or Mr. Digitakt be Mr. D…

Cause I found myself wanting a variety of tools, and that the visual+physical layout was super important for me to get out of my head and into feeling and creating…

<ps, please burn after reading >

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I think I would like all the features of the Squarp Pyramid plus standard and custom micro tuning scales (using pitch bend data, mono okay) in a package that was more like the Polyend Seq and I’d have no problem paying polyend prices for it. The polyend is too basic and I think the Squarp would be improved with more pads.

Maybe a slightly bigger screen?

The Elektron sequencer but instead of 4- (or 8- in Digitone’s case) note clusters, each note would be treated separately so individual microtiming and note length could be applied. Also more generative/randomness, please :slight_smile:

The love child of Elektron and Polyend. All functions of the tracker and model:sample/cycles packed into something that would probably look like a Frankenstein of the two units. Tracker screen and visual interface plus Model’s knob per function.

I was quite amazed by this sequencer with it’s motorized faders. If you think about it, motorfaders actually make quite sense for a sequencer. (And yes, im aware that motorised faders mostly don’t get used in products because of their costs)

Any new ideas and updates on this?

Well, two notable sequencers have been released since then (Oxi and Hapax).

I’d probably just take the Oxi and add the Akai Force arranger.

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I think one key insight in modern markets is that it doesn’t make sense to try to create the one product that will fullfill everybodie’s needs. You need to define your individual niche and create a well thought out product for specific needs. Create a unique selling point with one new key feature or with a uniquely composed set of allready existing features. It’s enough difficult to achieve this.

Hapax, but with a linear song arranging mode