Huge input lag since 1.10

Good news, thanks.

Already? That doesnā€™t sound good for future updates? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

mmm they said

We have confirmed this issue today, and it happens especially when using song mode and Overbridge at the same time. The GUI/UI lag is due to the Syntakt CPU being pushed to the limit. We have now started working on optimizations to fix the issue.

hopefully that doesnā€™t make future updates less likely!


Say goodbye to your fancy UI animations. As far as I know the Syntakt is using a dual cpu setup like the Digitone did, with 2 coldfire MCF5441s. Maybe lots of improvements could be made with how the two cpus communicate, but I think that these cpus are like 5 years old at least. Elektron really needs to come out with something modern. Its seemed like its hardware side of things has been behind the curve for a while.


Well most people seem to want new machines. Iā€™m guessing that as long as any new machine isnā€™t more CPU hungry than the current hungriest machine, it wouldnā€™t cause any problems.


I had lag with USB connection (android, camera, no song mode, no Overbridge). No lag without USB.

Anybody have lag without USB ?

(Btw iirc I had the same behavior with midi loopback, so I wonder if it was the case with USB midi loopback.)

Now Iā€™m facing a brand new issue!
When I start the Syntakt, it makes this nice but then horrible sinewave space sound, and it feels like it wonā€™t ever stop!!! I still can navigate through menus, pages etc. but I canā€™t run patterns anymore. He is kind of stuck, living his own life, making his own sounds ^^
The Syntakt isnā€™t USB plugged, only power supply and my headphones. Overbridge is OFF in the MIDI CONFIG menu. I tried many things, such as OS upgrading again, factory reset, empty resetā€¦ Nothing. Itā€™s really bad. I canā€™t use it anymore :ā€™( I sent this to Elektron.

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Delay feedback up way high?

nope, I canā€™t even play a patternā€¦

ā€¦hmmmmā€¦really sounds like cpu limitsā€¦hope thereā€™s room for optimizing code efficiencyā€¦
otherwise, all future dreams of any further new sound machines might be already maxed outā€¦

i was already wondering, if that songmode xtra layer implementation didnā€™t came with some downsideā€¦

any dtakt users already mentioning something ?..since that device is based on even just one chipā€¦but nah, sample management is easier to compute than realtime synthesisā€¦

and that sine wave thatā€™s endlessly climbing in self resonance destruction, is defenitly some issue with the delayā€¦double check thatā€¦

Yep sounds like cpu issue. Ive noticed it on Digitone aswell sometimes. Usually clearing some settings or paying attention to voice allocation helps. Strange that its happening after a firmware update though.


Also saving whilst playing with Overbridge open makes the saving process freeze until you remove/disable overbridge

Same here. Latency while live recording automation mostly. Overbridge enabled. This was before 1.10 for me. I havenā€™t tried a new project yet but will. Iā€™ve had this issue crop up with other Elektron boxes and itā€™s almost always due to cpu load. Hopefully they can optimize.

Itā€™s happening in my new project now as well. Only four tracks playing too!

Going the opposite direction here with input lag; if you are the type of musician who enjoys experimentation, I encourage you to try and use it to your advantage. I have had some unexpectedly interesting results live recording parameter changes with active lag. When it works, it works. You can create something that is not physically possible to create without the input lag.

Make the most of a situation? :sweat_smile:

Yeah still battling it and just been doing that lol.

Iā€™ve been trying to record OB automation in to Bitwig, a track at a time, with song mode dealing with the mutes. Trying to get the live tweaky feel before committing to recording audio.

But it all went to pot. I think I was hitting the USB bandwidth limit and the ST was acting like it was about to catch fire.

So now Iā€™m thinking about getting a faderfox or something and going at that whilst recording the audio via OB.

Iā€™ve been interested in a Syntakt since launch (fell in love when playing it at Knobcon 2022), and am concerned about this issue. If you use it without OB, is the lag less of a problem?

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Yeah itā€™s fine with no OB. Iā€™m going to simplify things and just use the stereo outs into my interface for now. Want to not use the DAW much anyway so it might be a blessing in disguise.

So basically I should just set it to ā€œUSB AUDIO/MIDIā€ or ā€œUSB MIDIā€ only until the fixed firmware comes out? (And use the audio inputs on my interface/mixer for the latter.)

Yep thatā€™s the ticket. Iā€™m also going to try using OB for automation but not routing all the audio through it as well, and just use the stereo outs into my interface.

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