Hybrid setup using Ableton Live, Digitone, Digitakt and Mother-32

Hey Elektronauts,

After playing my first live set with a hybrid synth setup consisting of the Digitone, the Digitakt, the Mother-32 and Ableton Live I made a breakdown on how everything is connected and what each device is doing. I wanted to share this as it might give you ideas on how to set up the Digis together with Ableton or other DAWs. As I’m just making the switch to a hybrid setup I’m curious to hear what your workflows are? Are you completely DAWless or also using Elektron boxes with a DAW?

Great day to you and all the best,


Great to see that you’ve made the transition to a hybrid setup! I’ve been jumping between hybrid and dawless setups for too long… My problem with using computers in my setup has mostly been about bad MIDI timing and sync, but I find that things are better nowadays with for example Expert Sleepers products and Overbridge.

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Hey ZX81, Can understand that very well. As much as I love the setup now: getting everything perfectly in sync has been quite painful I have to say. But it was well worth it

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