Hydrasynth from ASM - Tips and Tricks

You can adjust the time delay to go to Xmas, and you can turn it off, but no way to just make the LEDs go dark that i know of. System setup of course.

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Oops. Xmas is in 30 min max !
Ok, so no screen saver without annoying lights, feature request then…

Sure. But as you were talking about parallel filters, the Filter Routing particularly make sense with that state. IIRC there is similar filter routing on Blofeld.

Filter routing in series works too. You can’t change the filter order though. IIRC.

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Does filter routing work off of poly-aftertouch ? I can’t test it at the moment, but recall being surprised how far down the chain a note specific parameter carries.

It does.


Yep, just checked, all 15 Mixer Dest available in Mod Matrix.

Map a CC to HS E keys.
I found this solution, are there are better ones not loosing a macro ?

Macro 1 (set to 60 in Home page)

Mod Matrix 1

Result : playing keyboard send CC34 from value 0 to 120.
You can adjust Macro 1 for offsets.
I used this to play Octatrack Comb Filters with HS E.

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Huh, I just got sucked into the rabbit hole of trying to figure out the Mod Matrix in Alpine Split.

I also learned that when you open the mixer screen on a preset and everything’s zeroed, that’s because the Poly Aftertouch is controlling the mixer volumes.

I’ve ended up with this pitch/lfo mod in hitting the delay time for a tape wobble effect that plays well with flipping the delay macro from min to max.

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Thought I’d mention some of the stuff I tend to almost always change on the INIT patch:

  • [Filter 1] -> Key Tracking -> 0% : Usually I find this a bit too aggressive at 100% as the filter cutoff key tracking starts at C2 and tends to be the dominant reason why the Hydrasynth can get a bit bright. I’ll either leave it off and leave something like aftertouch or my breath controller to control moving it. If I do use it, I tend to use something less than 100% and if you look at some of the presets that sound darker/more analog, the key tracking is usually something less than 100% or they have Filter 2 in series as a LP dialed back a bit for cutoff.

  • [Voice] -> Snap -> Off: usually ends up too snappy/clicky as I’m not typically doing percussive patches


For my INIT analogish patch I also disable filter keytrack. I chose a saw, and I set Drive to 1 o’clock to tame brightness.

I didn’t hear a significant difference with Snap off, I set Env 2 attack to 1ms instead, I have to test again. 30ms for release.

WarmMode on, AnalogFL 16

A Macro for Filter 1 ENV1 amount

I always create my own template patches, with some of the basics already set, for any idea/patch i am working on. The only time i use INIT, is for initializing sections ( useful ), or if i’m testing some very basic functionality, which i never save.

Welcome adamc. Nice — another Hydrasynth and Anyma user, and a wind player too.


OMFG !! Don’t know if it has been discussed here but I just realised this now : map the midi CCs of the Hydra to another synth and bam : instant randomizer ! With the sweet arpeggiator and the step lfos. I’ve tried this with softsynths and with the A4, it’s so so so fun.


I had fun with Keytrack to CC recently.

Using Macros assigned to CCs and Random button ?

Today I struggled with Velo Off.
Is it possible to send a CC with value 0 from Note Off source ?
I want to send CC4 127 with Velo On, and CC4 0 with Velo Off.
Any idea ?

I haven’t tried the CC stuff for output like that, but I’d imagine you want something like +128 for NoteOn mapping and -128 for NoteOff which would always result in 127/0 regardless of the actual value.

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Yes. Something like that but the problem is that Note Off only send a value then goes back to 0, but using also Note On create an offset…I tried 128 and -128 without luck.

Interested in your Mutator tricks…
And any trick concerning analog sound emulation.

I used wavescan to morph a saw with a triSaw, in order to tame the saw. Drive at 1 o’clock is interesting too…
Analog Feel, Random Phase, Warm Mode…

From the HS official group in FB:

“Analog Sound” you ask? Try this:
- INIT INIT (for new patch)
- OSC1, Square or Saw (your choice)
- MUTANT1, Depth 0.0, Dry/Wet 100%, Feedback 100%
Adjust to taste and carry on with the rest of your patch, stacking and seasoning as per normal. But the combination of adding feedback and eliminating the depth setting totally changes the character of the sound without even needing to lean on the filter.


@sezare56 also this video comparison is quite interesting, if not yet seen or posted here somewhere.


I’ve been using this tip since I saw it in the Facebook page. However I find that at 100% wet, playing harmonically complex chords creates a bit of internal clipping, so need to dial them back by about 15-30% until it stops

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Not only macros, ALL the knobs. I map the filters knobs with softsynth filters, lfos with lfos, envelopes with envelopes, etc… Instant patch maker, I love it !

Yeah it doesn’t seem to work with Velo Off but you can have a workaround if you assign an envelope to the CC, the result is the same, when you press the note, CC4 at 127, when you don’t press the note anymore, CC4 at 0.

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