I am Edger - Colour Theory (Drones/Noise album)

Second release this year. Dunno what happened.


Semantic satiation. Thank you for sharing.

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Really liking Serratus so far, that main tone is lovely and thick, was that the SV1b?

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Nope. Guess again.


So close.
Its a sample of the triangle waveform on my MS20.
All layers of harmonics generated by 6 LFOs and some delay.

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It’s very nice.

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I thought so.
The OT clipped internally, but I thought fuck it. Im not recording it again just to get a clean signal. Besides, I quite like the clipping. It fits.

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@Fin25 thank you for the support.

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Listening to this while correcting my student’s exams. Really nice approach on this Album. I like the fact that the Sounds feel very Organic like some sort of Field Recordings.

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@Tchu thank you for listening.
There were no field recordings used.
Serratus and Ischemia were made using two samples only.

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Had a short listen, queued for the train tomorrow.

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