I can hear the midi (seriously - wtf)

Curious if anyone else has seen anything like this…
I route my MD midi output to my x0xb0x to send it sync. When I plug the x0x back into the md audio in, I get this weird buzz. Thought it was poor connection at first then noticed it changed as I sent various midi messages to the x0x.

x0x works fine when not connected via audio or midi to the md - only when they both are.

Have not noticed as much the same thing when I route the nintendo back into the md.

For what it’s worth - I run the midi into the x0x midi THRU port since my in doesnt seem to work (it’s a hack that might bail you out someday).

Of course that screams foul, but I’m curious why the both work ok independently, but not when connected via the two protocols.

Anyone had anything similar?

Sounds like a ground issue inside the xox? I’m guessing it’s doing digital to analog conversion to control the internals? Was it a DIY job?

Yes that’s what I was thinking - ground mismatch.

Yes I built the x0x myself a few years back. The MIDI in and USB has never worked, so I guess start poking around for incorrect ground or something shorted there?

If you have any insight what to check first, please let me know.


I’m sure there’s good help to be found over at the Ladyfruit x0xb0x forum.

Yea I’m registered over there - just figured I’d see if anyone else ever experienced anything similar with the MD.

I don’t use the MD as a midi controller often, because I prefer to do this with the dedicated midi machines of MM or OT. But the few times I used the MD to sequence my Acidlab Miami or my Virus TI I never had such problmes. So it seems this is a problem of your xox-box

I sequence my x0x with the MD all the time. Never had that particular issue.

And you process the x0x back through the MD?

Sounds like something is definitely up with my x0x. Thank yall for the feedback.