I can't update my firmware because I like its artifacts!

Hi folks, just wondering if anyone else is in this situation.

I was so excited to see there’s new firmware out for the DT and all it can do, including the fact that it no longer has that weird carryover effect that happens when you move between patterns with different delay settings.

But here’s the thing . . . I have a bunch of songs that rely on this weird carryover sound and use it for dramatic effect! As I’m sure the dub-minded among us already know, the wobbly “bubble burst” sound it creates can actually be very musical.

So I can’t update my firmware until I record all the songs where I use this as a transition!

This may sound painfully silly but . . once I update the firmware, is it possible to downgrade it again later in case I find an old song where I used this effect?



I have downgraded before, and I didn’t run into any problems (as far as I remember).

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You can still configure the DT to save effects settings on a per pattern basis


Yes, you can downgrade as well, but you may have the opposite problem where songs created with new feature tuning may sound different!


But maybe the new different way sounds cool.


Oh, that’s interesting. So I could force it to “glitch” in the same way as it does now?

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Don’t think anything has been changed around that as long as you do t set the FX to global.

In any case: backup all your projects on a computer. Downgrading is no problem. The only limitation is that once you opened a project with a newer OS and saved it, you can’t open it with an older OS. So back up :slight_smile:

You can also create this “glitch” yourself by changing the time parameter from fast to slow and back very quickly (push encoder and twist). Watch out with high feedback though as it can self oscillate super fast at short time settings. So keep a hand near feedback and volume, and "ride the feedback around near self oscillation, then change from slow to fast time quickly. Glitch galore :tada:


Feature request for firmware version to be a plockable parameter


Oof, good to know about that limitation before I got started!

I’m going to go through and mark all my backups with an asterisk so I know that they’re the pre-update versions.

Thanks everyone for the great input.

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Unless I missed something the update didn’t contain anything new so I chose to stick with 1.30a, cant say I came across any issues so for me it was a case of why fix what aint broke.

Not anything new but the EQ filter types were fixed so that they don’t clip when cutting frequencies. Which is quite significant. Also fixed OB sync issues. And a few other bugs.

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Delay / fx carry over thing can still be done … what are you talking about ?
Or am I going mad ? It’s just linked to that mixer tick box ???

I’ll check later.