I do not want overbridge receive/transmit automation in Ableton

hi there,
i have a problem with overbridge,
i disable receive remote and track in Overbridge imput/out on ableton midi pref.
if fact i have only sync transmited.

however overbrige still transmit all parameter change i change on the hardware elektron to live.

result is some bug sometime and impossibility to do an UNDO on ableton cause ableton enveloppe on OB are moving so fast that i have to do 100 times undo to really undo the basic operation that i want.

beside sometime it make my digitone crash.
in fact i just want OB transmit audio and manage library.

is it possible?



I don’t tend to use the plug-ins but only record all my audio by selecting the right inputs for each audio track or sometimes send midi notes to my DN via separate midi tracks. Without the plug-in present on a track, Ableton Live doesn’t record automation of any knob twists but merely records the audio. Does that help? You mentioned wanting to manage your library, though, so I’m guessing not. I’ll have to dig around some of the manuals to see which side of things can disable automation recording, either on Live’s side or Overbridge’s side. It should be possible!

From the Ableton manual. Any good?