I finally got one

Like from the Sound Files the MD maybe the better choice.
And the depth of course an argument. I find your Fred here.

The goal must be at least the price. I find close to my hometown a Machinedrum SPS-1 UW+MKII for 950 €, that’s to much in my opinion.
But i have no rush and the Jomox must be sell to generate money.

Have fun with your new toy :wink:

All the best,


I got one without the + drive, which made it a lot cheaper - I already have an Octatrackand I like the drum synthesis sounds of the MD very much, so the only samples I need to put in MD are a few special favorites like the 909 open hat and some complex waveforms… I don’t mind using the computer to back up kits and patterns as I can’t imagine needing more than 128 at a single time.

But I agree 950 euro is a bit high even with the + drive unelss it is still in wwarranty. For an older unit I feel like 800 euro is where it begins to become good value…

Congrats on the MD.

Massive MachineDrum fan here. It truly makes me smile in wonder every time I turn it on (even though I’ve still never seen Elvis).

I’m probably just using a fraction of the functionality with my workflow and I’m pretty sure I don’t get bits of it, but for me, the MD really excels in the basics… the versatility of the machines, how easy it is to get a nice pattern going, how finished the thing sounds, the flexibility of the LFO’s, the relative simplicity of hopping about the machine. I love doing silly things like making a pattern out of nothing but EFM BD machines - unbelievable how you can twist those sounds into such a wide spectrum of different noises.

As drum machines go, surely the MD must be up there with the best of them!

Personally, I’ve had a few different hardware and software drum machines and as far as I’m concerned the Machinedrum can’t be beaten. I like the fact that it is aging, the operating system is rock solid, every time I turn it on it just works, it’s reliable. The Machinedrum has so much scope, especially if you have the UserWave version, it’s all in one box.

Go the holy trinity. :wink:

Don’t forget you can sequence the MD with the OT and get some nice poly-rhythms going on. Or draft some longer sequences with a half speed track.

I know part of the MD’s power lies in it’s sequencer. But remember you can lock all the same functions on the MD with the OT - you just have to read the midi implementation.

Fun stuff!