I just got 14 free sample packs - ask me how

Ok you don’t have to ask, I’ll tell you how. I was looking for a free vinyl crackle sample and followed a mundane cut and paste link off some random youtube account:
BurghRecords - YouTube
to the website:

and while there is some fine pay content, there is also a treasure trove of free sample and effects.

You do have to sign up, there is no cost, the server was a little slow but I got everything I wanted, there is a privacy policy that does not say anything about selling your information - mostly caveats about crediting the author if used on youtube/podcast and that he would prefer you do not use these to make money, resell, or independently distrubute.

privacy policy:
Terms & Conditions | Sound Effects & Music License | BurghRecords (edinburghrecords.com)

I thought I might show the guy some love by reposting his site and hopefully someone here can use some awesome free sample packs and maybe buy one of his pay packs if you find something you think you could use. I downloaded everything, I can confirm they don’t ask for payment info and everything that said free was legit free including a few that were discounted from pay to free. I am not affiliated with this person or their site but I do like things that are free, so there you have it. Enjoy if you choose to and if not then don’t!


Neat. I try to keep to samples I don’t need to keep notes about the license for, but still cool to see stuff like this.

Main reason is I’m gonna throw gigs and gigs of samples onto a sampler which isn’t about to display the license.txt for me. Wish it would. Kind of a shame to have fancy screens on everything and but very few will read the txt and nfo files.

enjoy if you choose to and if not then don’t, not sure what else to say.

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Hell yeah! Will definitely check this out when near my computer.

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Thanks @shigginpit, I’ll add these to the vault shortly. Foley and ‘location’ samples are not something I currently have much of.

Edit: Was anyone able to get the Winter Sounds or Sounds of Crete? I hover over the download buttons and they don’t highlight, may be a browser/platform thingy.


Get an OT if you don’t want a fancy screen :wink:

Many thanks man, these are excellent… I’ll definitely check BurghRecords again

Strange, i’m being asked to login to checkout. After registering, still impossible to checkout.

After registering, you need to login then you can check out

Got it, i had to open it with Safari, it didn’t work somehow with Brave browser.

This is correct, it’s a security measure against bots I assume.

Very glad some people were able to make use of this nice resource. I don’t have a youtube account but if anyone wants to leave him a comment to thank him on behalf of Elektronauts feel free (but no pressure, I know that may be a bit awkward.)

I believe I have found some kind of solution for that.


Did you get a chance to try this?

I was able to get both but I think those may be on a different server, some things took longer to download. I had to try winter sounds and extraterrestrial sounds about 3 times each because the download failed the first couple.

Are you saying you were completely unable to select the actual item to add to your cart? I hope we didn’t break the guys website, I think there were a few more visitors than those who chimed in :sweat_smile:

Not yet! Yesterday was… busier than anticipated. It’s on the to-do list today though. I can’t resist free samples.

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Yeah. I’m not complainin’, just sayin’.

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Yep, I tried clicking them and the buttons wouldn’t respond. Will try again later. :smiley:

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I just tried it again right now and it worked for me, give it another go when you have time.

I tried to comment on the site blog to say thanks and it failed authentication or somerhing, none of my downloads were a problem though. Did anyone else try to comment and get a “nonce error verification failed” message?

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‘Nonce’ error? Oh dear. :joy:

I’ll try downloading them again shortly.

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It sounded a bit risqué to me as well. Hope it works this time around, give a shout if it doesn’t and wel’ll figure something out.

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