I made a little website for my music

I don’t pretend to think this is any good or even close, but it felt nice to have some kind of formal presence on the web, somehow. And I had the free space to use, so I did this.

And I won’t be doing YouTube videos ever, except perhaps more of the kind that’s shown here. Maybe.

Anyway -


Awesome, a great little vault of sonic treasures
I get no audio from the youtube clip. It only works when i click and get prompted to youtube.
tried on both PC and iOS…


Love it - can listen to “Längtan” all day. You’re a master of getting things feel organic, dynamic and as if it’s carved out from the Swedish landscape (being a fellow swede, I truly feel this). :black_heart:

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Yeah, at first, I was “What the hell”, and then I was, “Oh, I don’t know, maybe it doesn’t matter” :smiley:

Thank you so much @dobermate that is so kind of you to say.

Hang on there - fellow Swede? We neighbours? I’m in Gothenburg.

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Än så länge är det bara svenskar i den här tråden alltså :slight_smile: fasen vad gött :slight_smile:

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Haha - precis! Jag är lite längre söderut - mellan Kalmar och Karlskrona, specifikt :slight_smile:

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inhalerar medhållande

Måste reppa den norra delen av landet :smile:


Menar’t. En i norr, en i söder och en i mitten.

Lite beroende på hur man tolkar saker och ting :slight_smile: men nåt åt det hållet.

Hejsan från Finland! :wave:


:partying_face: :finland:

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Came here to congratulate, left with rings



:partying_face: :fireworks:

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Next one’s on me :beers: :pray:

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love websites

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Looks great! websites rock.

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I know, right?

Website 1 - 0 Social Media



Looks nice definitely fits your style well! I was thinking of doing a website specifically for my music too, but with more of a trashy geocities look to it.

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Thank you :slight_smile: looking forward to visiting your cities :slight_smile: