I traded my Syntakt for Analog 4mk2

You didn’t give the syntakt long before ditching it- it’s only just come out!

I ended up selling A4 and buying Syntakt back. :joy:


wtfffff :joy:

You will have to change to title with some clickbait then.

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I’m gonna show this thread to my wife next time she gives me shit about my gear turnover.


A: I traded my syntakt for an analog four which I traded for a syntakt.
B: What kind of music do you make?
A: (clears throat) I`m a trader.


“I’m an importer/exporter.”

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haha funny, recently I’ve had so many people come to my front door to buy synths / modules I’m paranoid my neighbours will think I’m a drug dealer n call the cops :joy:


This thread has been quite the rollercoaster.


It’s the Better Call Saul of threads, unreal twists and turns, but realistic. I should of seen it coming but that’s what makes it so well written. Please guys, don’t stop on my account….what’s happening next?


Ok let me explain. I tried the Syntakt for a few days and I liked it a lot but I didn’t feel like it was going to be deep enough. As you know there aren’t a ton of parameters to change the sound. I did love how quickly I could come up with ideas.
After trading for the Analog four I realized the later was way deeper than what I’m used to or needed. I already have Digitone and a bunch of Eurorack stuff.
Last night after playing with Syntakt I realized that I made the right choice though. You can really come up with ideas quickly. I make more Ambient stuff but this thing does it really well. Carry on!


I’m black and this is how my neighbors interpreted my trading immediately lol. My neighbor recently came over while I was on the porch and asked me to sell him weed. He looked so puzzled when I directed him to our local dispensary :joy:


lol ffs :rofl:

He no longer thinks that black people who receive people at home are drug dealers, no, now he thinks that they are commercial for local dispensaries.


Fuck sake

:joy::joy::joy: Nice one :+1: