I traded my Syntakt for Analog 4mk2

I was actually surprised someone would trade their Analog four straight up. When I posted something I assumed if I found someone to willing to trade they would ask for a couple hundred dollars on top.
So yeah. The Analog four is deep! Now I’m thinking to myself maybe Syntakt was fine in getting sounds I want! I make Ambient so yeah eventually the Analog four will most likely outshine Syntakt but jeez it’s a lot of programming. The envelope modulation is definitely a nice touch.
I guess I’m going to have to just tweak the presets a little bit before I start trying to make my own sounds just to find my way around the machine.
Oh and the performance knobs! Wow this thing is gonna take years to learn.



It may be bigger with less voices, but what it has is deep yet focused and the sounds are hugely varied.

Price wise, a black MkII has been going for around £800, a grey for around £725, so it’s not hugely different.

Whether you have a Syntakt or an A4 MkII, both are more capable sound design and performance machines than most of us are capable of mastering. However I can see how they appeal to different people.

My A4 MkII + Digitone combo meant I had absolutely no GAS for Syntakt. However the combo does cost 50% more second hand, so it’s hardly fair.


weirdly, since I’ve had some Elektron back in my life with the Syntakt it’s actually made me seriously consider adding an A4mkII going forward…


I actually made the same trade today, my Syntakt for an almost new black A4 mk2 (now standing next to his black AR brother). I did throw in some cash, but because I got lucky with the Syntakt (Managed to get it for 785 euro, some kind of pricing error that was quickly corrected after) I still really feels like a steal at 885 euro.

The Elektronaut that traded with me is also happy because he will probably sell the ST way faster and for more then he would have sold the A4.

Ridiculous how undervalued these things are.


Nice I was thinking to get the A4 too

Let me know how do you find it compared to Syntakt

…u can’t compare an a4 with a syntakt…
totally different sonic beasts…
but u see me surprised to hear, that u guys got rid of it right away again…
even in exchange for an a4, it seems sad, that u never even started to dig into the st…
especially given the fact, that the a4 is made for diggin deep and deeper in first place, while the st can give u way more instant gratification, long before u start any diggin’…


I have returned ST for cash for now

I was exploring other options
(A4 one of them)

I had ST for a week or so and I did not have a great experience using it

Definitely it does not have an innovative sound and maybe not one of Elektron best
I have been more creative on the MC and on the AR

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@Riuozami …would u elaborate a little about ur statement… “did not have a great experience using it”…?

since mine will come next week and i’m totally convinced, it’s a truu swedish best of in one box…defenitly worth to dig deep like any other instrument they’ve created so far…
but this time, simply in a way more aproachable fashion…

all i hear and see so far, tells me one thing…before the st, i needed an a4, a cycles and a heat plus way more time and effort to get such results…

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I have a MC and i found it much quicker and also with a better tactile control - i can venture more on the Cycle and i prefer the 16 steps layout vs the 8 steps of ST

I have a ARMk2 and i prefer it to the Syntakt - I rarely use the analog machines but when i do i usually combine those with my samples

I also prefer tbe ergonomics the pads and the 16 steps of the Rytm

If Syntakt is your first Elektron machine you will enjoy it


Yeah, like mentioned above, they are really far apart in what they are and intended to be (that said, the A4 can do awesome drums :joy:)

I know I will have a love hate relationship with it, as this is the second time I own one (and also borrowed one from a friend for a while)

The A4 has narrow sweet spots, but when you find them they are gorgeous and there is nothing that compares to its unique feature set.

…i see…but it’s more like my last elektron device…rytm is the only one i never had in use…
and apart from the digis, i still use them all…but more and more rarely…
that’s why st might be the missing link for me…
tired of too much prepping…seen it, been there…
i’m in for results…not that much for the way to get there…
so one ot…one st…and thanx soooo much for all the fish…

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This is funny to me. A lot of users traded their Machinedrums for RYTMs when those dropped and ultimately ended up regretting it…Cue years of people shit talking the RYTM’s sound engines for not being “inspiring” before slowly coming around to them. Now there’s a new drum synth on the block and the cycle starts all over again.

Will the Syntakt be a future classic or a total flop? Who knows. There will need to be lots of poking and prodding and possibly even OS updates before that can be decided. All I know is I’m keeping mine for at least a year or two before making that call.


:joy: the Elektron curse claims another!

I find it impossible to use Syntakt without thinking of the possibilities of pairing it with another box. I bought an AK a week before the ST arrived that one not really touched since but I’ll pair them eventually and it’ll make for an incredible OTB set up.

Despite being billed as a but of a drum synth I can actually see it pairing really well with an AR.

As for the OP, not sure I’d be happy with a move from ST to A4 but that’s part of the Elektron beauty in that we all have a different view in each box’s pros/cons and abilities.

…sold both digis after quite a while of using and abusing them…no regrets…
while i know, i would regret selling my a4 for sure…same with the heat…
and my feeling about the st is pretty close upfront already…
this “digi” comes to stay and will also stand the test of time…

I think the Syntakt is probably the best drum machine on the market and I own a few, that said I don’t have the Rytm. But having an A4 and Octatrack it’s really confusing how the slide functionality isn’t on the Digi sized boxes, especially the Digitone. I don’t give a fuck about a song mode I just want to slide parameters.


my man said get the fck out from around me talkin bout songs and modes, I’m just rollin down the street in my 6 4 :grin:

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I would argue, that the crown still belongs to AR2.


What a crazy trade

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I love my ST.

I love my A4.

That is all.