I usually love it here …

With this arc another paragraph and you’ll have placed a preorder :slight_smile:

Naw, I’m that weirdo that sees the newer stuff come out and try to prove the older stuff can hang with the new machines while beating my chest defiantly. “YES, YOU CAN DO A ROCK OPERA WITH JUST A BUCKET, A STICK AND A MICROPHONE!” I scream as I struggle to figure out how to make a guitar sound with just the stick leaving the bucket to be the drums AND bass…


Fractal Frustration.

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It would be weird if all the madness going on in the world atm wouldn’t show here in any way. All things considered I’d say this community is doing incredibly well.


Recursive Resentment :woozy_face:


You know this provided an important moment of introspection for me. I’ve realised that I’ve only been showing tolerance for one layer of negativity - beyond that I become that which I despise.

A moment for growth.

Complain away everyone!


Most families happen at home, sadly :slightly_frowning_face:


Alliterative Annoyance…?


Holarchic Hatin’


That’s exactly what I do, hit ‘track’ on new threads I like, and (usually) don’t bother to read updates on other threads.


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You got a point there, it’s been brought up before how dissenting opinions are usually flagged or that poster becomes a target.

Nested negativity :thinking:


Thats one’a’dem 5 dollar words!


I see the complaining and I think there are a number of people here that must be very lonely and in need of a companion or family of their own. Either that or weirdly entitled.

I’d complain if I ordered a Syntakt in black and it showed up in leopard skin print and was DOA and then it came back from repair with a terrible midi spec that fails to match its claimed capabilities. Otherwise, if it works as promised, I’d get to work with it and do something fun. Something either speaks to you or it doesn’t. I see this kind of negativity and try to imagine if we saw a group here get together and totally bash a community member’s music in the Our Music section. I would never do that.

We’re in Elektron’s house and their creatives and engineers put this together for at least some of us. Why must some feel the need to take a shit in the middle of their living room when they’re showing us their new born baby for the 1st time? It’s weird.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Its a product not a ‘new born baby’. Elektron are a company not your best friend.


Instead you see people’s heartfelt opinions, questions and discussions on a product release in threads dedicated to exactly these opinions, questions and discussions and you decide to label opinions that maybe don’t correspond with yours as negativity and the people who share them in good faith as lonely, in desperate need of companionship or just plain entitled. Exemplary indeed.


Criticizing a companies product in not a breach of domestic etiquette.


Yeah agreed. The mind set to be picking things apart that hardly have seen the light of day or at all, has so many different kinds of negativity surrounded that it leaves a bad taste. Let alone not having used a thing and saying it is rubbish is a kind of snobbery that I loth to be frank.

Must say that during this release it has been far worse than I’ve seen before. And unfortunately this is most of the time a sign of a forum becoming just a bit too large. The gear space vibes are increasing. Hopefully not for long though…


That’s not really the point is it? A forum should be enjoyable to visit without having to scroll through a pile of complaints of what things can not but should be doing because one wants to. It’s pretty boring.


Thats hyperbolic. Model Samples and Overbridge delay were trashfires.

I think the praises for the box are valid as are criticisms.