I want to apply the arpeggiator to only certain steps in a track

I am using Digitone’s arpeggiator, and I want to apply it only to a specific step, but the arpeggiator is applied to all steps of the track.
Is it possible to apply the arpeggiator only to specific triggers, like parameter lock?

In this video (starting at 43:29), I think the arpeggio is applied only to the chords I hit after activating the arpeggiator, while the sound of the steps I was hitting before I put it in arp mode remains the same.

I don’t think you can toggle the arpeggiator per-step on the Digitone.

But the arp is saved as part of the sound, so you can work around that by saving two copies of it: one with the arp enabled, and the other with it disabled.
That way you can keep the regular sound selected for the track, and lock the arpeggiated sound to specific steps via the sound pool.

If you need detailed instructions on how to do that:

  • [FUNC] + […] > [Export Sound] lets you export (save) your sound to the +Drive.
  • [FUNC] + […] > [Manage Sounds] lets you select sounds on the +Drive and copy them into the project’s sound pool (detailed on pg.27 of the manual).
  • Holding a [TRIG] key in record mode lets you select a sound for that step from the pool using the [Level/Data] encoder.

:point_up_2: THats how you do it. Its also how you get drum “retrigs” on DN.


Thanks for the reply. It worked!!!

Depending on the scenario, you don’t have to make use of sound locks, if you’re using the arpeggiator. When using a note shorter than your arpegiator tempo, then no arpeggiation will take place. Differs when you would like to play long notes in between your arpeggiated notes though. Only then sound locks would be neccessary.


Thank you very much. I will look over this later as it is a difficult subject with my current knowledge.

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Try to use LENGHT

MANUAL > Trig Length sets the duration of the notes [AND ARP]. When a note has finished playing a NOTE OFF command is sent. The INF setting equals infinite note length. (0.125–128, INF)


Thank you very much. I am Japanese and not familiar with English, but does “retrig” mean something like “drum roll”?

This would save me the hassle of storing sounds in the sound pool! Thank you.

Yes! It’s a shortening of “retrigger”. If you want drum rolls, this is the work around to achieve that.

This so brilliant! Thank you!!