Ideas For Pedals Good For Mangling Beats (Not including Standard distortion or bitcrushing?

thank you, I’m gonna look into it further

You can modulate whatever parameter you want, like you can totally add some cruch on a certain hit of the beat or a recurrent filter swoop, or either of those on random. Analog circuitry and digital UI is amazing for mangling.

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I like it for bringing out (or adding) harmonics, reverb, ring mod, phasing, it makes all sorts of mad sounds and is very tweakable for a live take:


you prefer v1 v2?

I have the V1 simply because you can get them for cheaper. Not sure what the actual difference is between the two, they supposedly have the same circuitry and features.

meris ottobit?

is the v2 stereo?

Jr. or something else?

the pedal version

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I like it a lot , run beat machines through it… it’s stereo too :green_heart:

one of the few bitcrushers I can stomach

As @HoldMyBeer mentioned, the Microcosm is a great prospect. Can’t wait for mine to arrive.


I think the cosm is one of those that you gotta get your hands on to see what’s what… looks like folks either really like it or really didn’t get what they were expecting… definitely interesting

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mk2 has nicer screen and buttons.

Analog circuits are the same. Only ‘internal’ difference is with mk2 if you plug mono into L only, it will split it into L+ R. Hardly a showstopper for mk1, but nice to have.



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Bastl Thyme. Fully syncable, can sequence effects, easy to improvise automations on the fly. Goes into count-to-5/red panda territory easily as well.


will def look more into that, I got the impression early on that it was kind of hard to pin down, but that could have been the clips I saw, haven’t check it out in a long time…

I really enjoy the Meris Ottobit Jr. which has nice stutter effects on drum machines. Ricky Tinez’s video is what sold me. Stereo. I haven’t even touched the MIDI control or hooked up an expression pedal yet, but I am very happy with it.
Bitcrush is fun if that is your jam. Filter is nice, even though it is a little too resonant for me. Maybe resonance is tweakable?

Ibanez DE7 is also a favorite of mine for anything melodic or rhythmic. Very fun pedal and it can still be found for affordable prices.

The Roland scooper is on my list to try, but they have been hard to find whenever I look for them.

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I have one to sell, if you are looking for it you can PM me…

Cooper FX Arcades w/ Gen loss card going into a CHampion Leecy Kilter…

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i had good fun with the ‘earthquaker devices disaster transport’ mk11… the good old zoom cdr 70 is a go to for tons of things to mangle sound in one cheap box that you can then send to anything else you have… any of the strymon delay line will allow for beat mangling yes if you have the spare cash to try them out. … i had the volante for a few weeks which was okay for messing with beats … not as nice as the earthquaker devices transport 11 though. stuff like the timeline are good but i think youd be best off going for something a little less well known and more esoteric from what youre saying - although they are great … a [

Chase Bliss type of thing perhaps

](Chase Bliss Audio Blooper - Bottomless Looper - Andertons Music Co.)

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