Ideas For Pedals Good For Mangling Beats (Not including Standard distortion or bitcrushing?

I’ve always been a heavy user of the moogerfooger ring modulator. Especially for funky beats. The lfo let’s you drop in and out of sync in a really pleasing way. Best pedal purchase ever. Plus it sounds fantastic.
I’m also a fan of using a vocoder on beats. I’m mostly using the orange ehx pedal these days (I forget the name) but I used the electrix warp factory extensively for this purpose in the past and it did the job pretty well. Takes a lot of experimenting though to find the secondary source to modulate with/ be modulated by your beats.


Not a pedal but I’ve been enjoying the strega for processing, the delay isn’t synced but it is easy enough to dial in you can set up the envelope follower to bring in ring mod or mess with any parameter. Really fun to just poke at live to get some other rhythmic movements through it.

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I’d say the Microcosm is like the OT: if you expect a result you’ll be disappointed. In the other hand if you are open to experimentation, you’ll like it and it has some precise sweet spots to find out that are really enjoyable.
MIDI sync, stereo, presets. I’m still waiting for a firmware updat to correct some things though.


Can you elaborate on this?

+1 on this. Also have used the Hologram Infinite Jets with good glitchy results.

had not heard of the Kilter thanks for the tip!

man I wish this thing was stereo

is it working like the drolo fx stretchweaver or differently?

I think it’s different from the drolo fx stretchweaver. It modulates between two effects loops using an LFO and it has 8 waveforms to choose from.

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Check Fabrikat :slight_smile:


To check :

  • Poly FX Beebo, Poly
  • Empress Zoia
  • Everything drolo FX if you can live with the sale procedure.
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How far do you want to mangle them? The Baby Box is fantastic. I tend to use it as a tunable noise machine as much as anything. It doesn’t really need an input given its tendency to self-oscillate. . But it does the job as an effects box too, ranging from interesting delays to screetchy noisy extremes. Although, to be fair, this demo is showcasing the outer reaches of its mangled daftness…

This is extremely my jam.
I like to use nasty loopers/samplers/glitch pedals and reverb. Obviously everyone has their preference on these, but I like Dwarfcraft (probably because I was the boss of the company) and EHX cathedral reverb.


Most of the stuff mentioned here is pretty dope I’ll also add the Charlie Foxtrot to the list. you can manually trigger it or set a velocity threshold like a compressor to trigger the glitches. OR just have it constantly running. maxing out any of the knobs will set it to randomly select a pot value each cycle. I use it on my guitar board for Johnny Greenwood style stutter/grainular “solos”


what you guys got in the way of Warm, non-extreme/harsh, but round, liquid, organic, like a sample mangler for psychodelic trips but psychedelic psychedelic, not psytrance psychedelic??


That made no sense lol. can you use auditory terms to describe what you’re after?


Tame Impala…

got one of these :slight_smile: