Ideas For Pedals Good For Mangling Beats (Not including Standard distortion or bitcrushing?

sure, context is everything…

would love to hear people’s general thoughts but for those that can be even more specific I’m not asking in regards to bit crushing or distorting your drums, but rather for other more organic effecting.
just looking at the whole Strymon line up which do you prefer to Mangle your funky/ groove based beats through?

beat mangling sound design.

open to other devs besides Strymon too at this point.

What does mangle mean in this instance? I think that’s the bit that people are having to guess at.

Are you talking about some heavy or layered modulation (like, say, some of the OBNE pedals), or more like a granular re-arranging of the beat (like Clouds/Beads)?

Strymon are probably a bit nice for “mangling”. Deco will add flavour, Volante will do layered tape delay stuff. But other manufacturers are more out there.


really all of that, the only flavor I’m avoiding is harsh tones, distortions, decimators, bit crushers…

some examples , would be like … Cooper fx Outward, generation loss, red panda tensor, Montreal count to 5, Glou glou prailines, midfi elektronics pitch pirate deluxe, a lot of DIY Guy stuff,

I’ve been meaning to try some rhythmic material through my OBNE Visitor, maybe I can knock something out quickly.

Something to consider might be an auto filter or something with an envelope follower - eg the Analog Heat has a great sounding filter and combined with the LFO and envelope follower it can do quite interesting things to beats (without being harsh or overly distorted).

Also the Meris Polymoon with the phaser engaged is really nice.

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yeah that’s a great Idea, was just checking out the Source Audio Spectrum intelligent Filter, it’s very nice

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Also, it’s not a pedal, but the Bastle Thyme is at the more extreme end of the virtual tape machine concept:


more great thyme stuff

JohnGredin had suggested the thyme even earlier in the thread…it’s actually turning out to be better than I thought as when I had last checked it out it had just been released and not many good examples back then


Perhaps you don’t mean “mangling”. Mangling is the type of mutilation that happens to human bodies during car wrecks… which definitely makes me think of harsher tones.

But maybe you think of that word differently. Perhaps there is a soft and gentle way to “mangle” beats. Which means you’re probably looking for something that has a filter and/or an envelope.

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thank you for your insight, a lot of people have made some great suggestions in this thread if you’re into this sort of thing… filters and envelopes … definitely

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this is pretty dope, thank you…im gonna see if I can find a clip of some drums going through it too

In that case, and if you’re still partial to Strymon, the Timeline algorithm called ICE may be interesting. For the chopped filter frequency band delays.

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Hmmm Looked into things like the Cooper FX Generation Loss or maybe things like the Chase Bliss Warped Vinyl? Those both can add a bit of “vibe” and “dust” to a sound without destroying the original material .

Edit: also things like the Old Blood Noise Endeavors Black Fountain can color things if you set the delay time to min and mix to 100% wet with no feedback. just use it’s filtered modulation sound with like 10ms of delay on it.

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The Source Audio Ultra Wave is like a digital Moog Murf if you like filter bank sounds.

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I’ve got a gen loss and like it a lot, hadn’t heard of the old blood black fountain though I’ve been meaning to pick up that expression fader they put out, thanks for the tip… didn’t know about ultra wave by source audio either will def check that out…
I’ve got the ventris and am really interested in the spectrum filter but what is the deal with source audios pedals being capable of so much with so few presets being accessible from the units themselves without using midi or an external device like a computer or iPhone etc… it’s driving me crazy… I can understand having to use the editors to create the presets but at least I wish they would allow you to save 50-20 on the pedals themselves instead of a measly 8 :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

ultrawave turned out to be to heavy/fuzz/ but thanks anyway…

I had good rhythm mangling with some presets like the Sequence/Blocks/Tunnel on the Microcosm.

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malekko charlie foxtrot. serious buffer play with stutters and pitch drops… can also do micro delay things for weird phase/flange effects and buffer looping etc… and it’s very affordable.


I should have mentioned it in my earlier post but I get a lot of mileage out of the original adrenalinn pedal. It’s mono but if you can live with that you can do a lot with it. Goes from subtle to absurd.

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