IDM / Ambient Techno made on your Elektron gear

Something new recorded live a couple days back. Model:Cycles and freshly arrived Model:Samples.

Model:Samples is going through Bastl Thyme (clocked and in sequencer mode) and is primarily providing the ambient back-tones. Model:Cycles is main instruments and drums, going through small eurorack FX system: into Noise Engineering Imitor Versio (delay) and Qu-Bit Data Bender (shrug), with some randomized modulation via Qu-Bit chance synced to the master clock. Visuals generated in Max/MSP.

I’m pretty happy with what came out here soundwise. I keep thinking I’m going to have to eventually dig really deep into Max and/or MSP to get the sequencing and sounds I want to get to, but this experience kicks that idea down the road a little farther.


Absolutely love the stickers

This track features Machinedrum MkI non UW and Monomachine MkI. Some Stutter FX thru Ableton and samples looped by the DAW. Those early Elektrons had no samples slots at all but It was really challenging and funny to work with these limitations…

These tracks are gorgeous.

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That’s some killer sound design with such a minimal setup. Love the graphics as well.


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This is really great, I love it!

Hey friends!
My debut album, MODEL:CITIZEN, came out 12/31 and consists of 12 ambient-techno songs written on and with the Model:Cycles. Each song was tracked into Ableton for final arrangements, mixing, and additional effects. Every sound came from the Cycles except for some 606 and 707 sub kicks here and there.
Stream wherever you listen here:

Last Friday, I posted a companion video album on my Youtube channel. I created every video in the playlist with Touchdesigner, reacting to the audio from the album in real-time.
See the video companion album playlist here:

The central theme of the album is paradoxes and dichotomies. Opposites that shouldn’t exist at the same time but somehow do. When the pandemic started, I spent a lot of time looking for types of electronic music that helped put me in the zone while I was working my 9-5. Many people use chill hop or lo-fi for that, but I like synthesis. I found a lot of the music I sifted through was made for clubs or live audiences. I created this album to fill that need I was looking for but didn’t find much. It’s minimalistic and organic but also driving and organized. Put it on repeat when you need to get something done at your job. Let me know if it helped get you to a flow state.

If you’re interested in following me or learning more this will get you to the right places. DAMAGR by David Sparks (@damagr) ·

I hope the Elektron community digs it. This ended up becoming a love letter or sorts to the Cycles. It really helped me find my voice as a new electronic artist coming from playing in bands in the 90’s/2000’s. It was also my Elektron gateway drug as I now have 2 cycles, a digitone and just got an Octatrack mk2 a few days ago.



Good luck with the release, you are obviously putting in a huge effort .

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Cirklon, Digitone and a few instances of Falcon2 (first foray into DAW land.)


Sounds great as a whole, very consistent sound design-wise.

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My new track with Machinedrum, Octatrack, Monomachine and some modular processing.


Finally found my missing track from when I had DT.



Here’s a 4 track EP written back in 2019. All recorded in one take with Ableton and Overbridge; using a Digitakt, Digitone, and an Analog Four mk1.

Hope you enjoy it!


I found mixing with my 7506’s lead to everything being a bit too bass-heavy

however I think it helped rather than hurt here as that kick is YUGE I love it

M:C kicks have a special sauce to them once you spend some time with 'em

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Would love to hear what you guys think about my new EP, first releases made with entirely Elektron gear. Analog Rytm and Four to be exact. I created it to be performed live since I have a few shows coming up! should be fun. thanks for giving me a listen! Drum Habits EP | Blaix


Here’s my latest track and video. All criticism is welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:



Fragments’ ode to Tri Repetae:

DT, OT, with a fair bit of Hydrasynth all through a H90 and some other bits. All jammed together live. Enjoy!

Edit: There’s a 2hr free download if you click through to Bandcamp.


Here’s some ambient/dub techno cooked up live to DAW on Syntakt. Thanks for listening!

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