IDM / Messy Desk Investigation // 100% Syntakt jam

Ello Nauts,
I recorded a new 100% Syntakt jam. IDM / breakbeat-ish this time. It started with an idea created on a holiday in Nizza Italy. Looking over the beautiful whine-yard filled hills I felt quite relaxed and felt more like creating a piece of electronica rather than techno :). Lot’s of performance moves going on in this jam. Syntakt really lends itself well to control-all usage. Constantly moving things on it really opens it up.

Post processing: hint of bus comp, bit of EQ, through analog heat for a hint of saturation and then a limiter.

Enjoy :slight_smile:


Very nice Dave, thanks for sharing! :+1:

(and I think you mean Vineyard? :slightly_smiling_face: A “whine-yard” is an open field where all Italians come together once a month to complain about their husbands or wifes)


Really sweet, scratching that breaky itch quite well for me after some years of straight techno :wink:
I like the note sequence in the bassline – simple, but supports the groove very well.

@rtme I think the whine-yard was also the place where it was established that breaking dry spaghetti in half is forbidden.

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Yes, that’s what it was and it was beautiful to behold. The lamenting echoed through the fields and almost sounded like a bird’s song. (That was a ridiculous typo :P)

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Thanks Lauli :slight_smile:

I think I read that somewhere on the internet yes

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