If you could buy just one thing in 2022, what would it be?

Dreaming about pairing my DN with a Rytm mk2… Seems like a dream setup but it’s sooo expensive for an occasional hobbyist…

Then make for music for god’s sake!! Cmooooooon!!!

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well… 2022 ain’t over yet!

I’m an occasional hobbyist, tinkering since the mid '90s. I have a Rytm mkii. Arguably, I am misusing my spare funds… but I am certain the Rytm was a good choice. It’s so fun to use, sounds great, does so much. It’s become my favourite ever bit of music gear (even more than Ableton). It’s probably the last thing I’d sell if I had to.

I’m GASsing for a DNK :wink:


Which proves you’re sane.


are you me? started from Impulse Tracker on MS-DOS… Fast Tracker, eJay, FL4, Cubase 4/5/SE, eventually Ableton…
After getting the DN couple of months ago I started remembering that tinkering with sounds is fun!
No plugins, no infinite mouse clicking scrolling choosing samples… just clearing my head several hours a week by tweaking buttons…

I will get the Rytm eventually, I feel that it is inevitable, one MUST have a drum machine and Rytm just ticks all the boxes :slight_smile:


Dn is a wonderful drum machine :upside_down_face:.


I have far more than I need, but if I get new gear my list includes

Nord Drum 3P (been waiting to see if there is a new one, but it doesn’t look like it!)
Pulsar 23 (not needed, just lust)
Make Noise Mimeophon (I think I just want this as its been unavailable for ever!)

OP-1 Field and smash it on the floor

2023 was my year

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I actually fulfilled both of these wishes in 2022. I got a Moog Sequencer B cabinet (and then some) and Symbolic Sound did indeed release new Kyma hardware. Technically, the latter arrived in January, but I pre-ordered it in 2022. Close enough.


Winning lotto ticket. So I can pay off all my previous “just one” purchases.

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Waldorf Quantum MK2 or Erica Synths Perkons. But I am sticking to my no gear quest for 2023.

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If I could buy one thing in 2022 it would be plutonium for my flux capacitor so I could get back to 1985. Fuck the 2020s. And the 2010s. And the 2000s (mostly). The 90s were alright…