If you could buy just one thing in 2022, what would it be?

A detached house that is :smiley:


When did you enter the waitinglist?

Rhodes. Done.


I guess an M8. Had the chance to buy one and got a Moog instead. Not regretting my choice since I have a Polyend Tracker but M8 looks interesting. I made my choice and I’m gonna live with it for a year. Big boy pants.

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With the right combination of good research and luck, this could be a solid purchase

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An audio interface for my iphone

I am gonna try to keep it to my preorder of the Avalon for next year. Honestly dont really feel like I need it now but when I actually get it I might sing a different tune.

Sweetwater just sent me an email saying they have an Iridium in stock for me to buy. I could buy it today and still keep my commitment to NGNY for 2022!!! I won’t though. I may need surgery on my throat to remove a cyst, and since I am a “talk” therapist professionally, it would mean losing at least four weeks if income, so I need to save up for that. Otherwise, I would probably do it.


Sorry that your health is in conflict with your synth dream. Hopefully the next time you can commit to the purchase, it will be available…!


Digitakt MK2
one can only dream

Not sure if it will be possible in 2022 but I’m on the waiting list for the Soma Reflex.

Why does it have to be just one thing? I want so many! MPC X, Vermona PerFourmer, every Dreadbox Synth ever made, Blackbox, Nord Stage, a Rhodes, Virus TI2, a 24 channel desk, a pair of Neumann KH310 monitors!.. to have had my children 20 years earlier… but money can’t buy that!

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I’d love a DVINA, but thankfully for my wallet they’re rarely manufactured.


Dreadbox nymphes.

an H9000

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Couldn’t you just directly order from Soma? I think they’re made to order.

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This thread is a spinoff from “Happy NoGear New Year,” so it was intended as kind of a release, like, if you’ve committed to stop pursuing GAS next year, but gave yourself permission to buy just one thing, what would it be.


Camina Drummer :heart:

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Update on my answer to the question on this thread: I said that the one thing I’d want is a Waldorf Iridium. Not so sure anymore, after watching Venus Theory’s live exploration of his new Iridium–he had to hit the screen so many times for it to respond to him, he was clearly very frustrated. If a $329 iPad can be very accurate touch capable, how can it be that a smaller screen on a $2700 item (Iridium) has such a lousy screen? So, unless Waldorf announces a new screen for it, I am very hesitant, maybe by 2023, I will be persuaded…

Yes, it’s only hand-manufactured in batches from their Moscow location. I’m on a list, which is fine.

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