I'm about to get an Analog Four: any starter's tips?

Is there anything I shouldn’t miss when starting out with the A4?
I’m thinking about things like the MonoMachine’s filter tracking, or little workflow tips that will make my life more beautiful than it already is…

I had my A4 for way too long before I experimented with the feedback osc

The filters in A4 behave quite differently to the MnM - way more like your standard analog filters - the MnM filters have (IMHO a very specific sweet spot) that you need to hit to get the most out of them.
Going from the MnM to the A4 is actually a pretty easy jump truth be told so I wouldn’t sweat it too much.

^ This ^

I started a thread some time back for Feedback Osc stuff.

Shit is ballistic

^ This ^

I started a thread some time back for Feedback Osc stuff.

Shit is ballistic
This times like 8 million. Feedback Osc is out of control. Seriously, crazy stuff.