I'm looking for a partner for Techno jamming in Berlin

Hi all,

I’m from Saint Petersburg, but moved to Berlin in April 2019 to work as UI/UX designer. Due to understood reason, this year I spent a lot of time at home. Good thing is that I make music more often, but I started to notice that I’ve started to copy myself and to be less inspired, cause you make music just to make it tomorrow.

That is why I’m looking for somebody to meet for near techno jam sessions. I suppose there’re a lot of Elektron users in Berlin. Maybe you also have some unfinished patterns or good sound design ideas, that you can’t arrange. Let’s merge powers!

I’m into transient 128-130bpm techno, without too much harsh industrial influences. Mostly I work on OT, but also use Ableton, DN and M:C. But if you like 132 and put delay on snare drum and use laptop it isn’t a problem. Here are my near techno productions —

Also we already have ambient drone jam sessions with one guy here in Berlin sometimes:

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Hi Sasha,

I moved to Berlin recently as well, looking to find people to make music with. I’ll pm you!

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You two must be quick. Merkels new lockdown restrictions will be announced on the 25th.