Immediate gear selling regret

Yeah, I don’t sell that much either. I have stuff boxed and shelved that I don’t use. If it stays shelved for a really long time, then I’ll sell it.

Some things are more obvious though. Not long ago I had a synth that I simply did not enjoy using. The interface pissed me off, and I could tell after a few minutes of using it. I gave it 5 hours of trying, then sold the little fucker. No regrets; good riddance! Lol


The OP-1 pissed me off too

sold and eventually reacquired:

Drumbrute Impact

sold and planning to reacquire:

MS-20 mini

sold with some level of regret but no plans to reacquire:

Hagstrom electric
Yamaha fretless bass

My OP-1. Sold it as I got an iPad through work and figured that would be great for on the go.

Now half a year on the iPad just sits gathering dust and I wish I had the OP-1 with all its quirks sitting in my lap on the train.

Worst thing is if I buy one now it will end up being the field so I’m double fucked haha.

This reminds me, I had a Hagstrom Ultra Swede and sold it - regret it to this day, such a lovely player.

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OTO Biscuit…liked the filter types and decent bit crushing

tanzbär 1
technics 1210

Yeah the Oto biscuits is probably the only gear selling regret that I have. But I went to a nice chap on this forum so it kind of stayed in the family……

Technics 1210.
E-mu EMAX II rack.
Juno 106.
Roland R8m.
Atari Stacey 4/40 with C-Lab Notator.

Vermona PerFourmer MKII. I regretted selling it while packing it up to ship it to its new owner. It took a year to find another one. That one is never getting sold.


Damn I regret selling mine as well. I bought it right after Denis Cazajeux made a personal demonstration of it…

I love this thread

Mostly I regret that more than half of the few things I’ve tried to sell have not sold at all, and those that did took far too long to sell and went at much lower prices than I would have liked. I guess that makes me a good buyer but a bad seller?


So much stuff I wish I had back, but for the most part, stuff I got rid of because I wasn’t using it at the time and I needed extra money. Funny enough I’m pretty satisfied with almost all of the stuff I got rid of because I knew I’d be sad if I didn’t have it anymore. But there are a few that I still wish I had…

Akai MFC-42
Wasn’t using it and I used the money to buy a drum brain for my e-drums. I sold it for a fraction of what they are going for these days. I want one again, but it’s not a crucial piece of gear. Would be more fun than useful, so I’m not THAT sad. But I still look at them for sale.

Modded MPC 2000
Screen was going bad and I wasn’t really using it. Always wanted to make a punk album with it and one synth (punk as in raw, not over produced, and simple). But it’s another “would-be-fun” tool and not necessary. Probably just extra work and a lot of money to upgrade/mod it again.

Same with the MFC, I still look for them.

Not the greatest synth but was my first synth. Sold my old one when it started needing maintenance.
Got some extra money later and bought it again. It’s crazy limited, but it still so great to just sit down at it and cover some Lords of Acid in my headphones. And who doesn’t like raving!?

All my cymbals
Had over 30 cymbals that I sold a few years back when I gave up on ever getting to play my drums in my house because I thought I’d never be able to afford a house. Fast forward to last year and now I have a house with a “studio” in it. Damn… I’m looking to get more. I don’t care about new or used, but it’s gonna take a long ass time to get a decent set.

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Pulsar 23😥 really broke my heart to sell it. It was so that I could finance Perkons and I am not regretting that at all. Just really wish I would have been able to afford to keep both of them

Funny topic! I’ve not sold electronic gear yet. But I’ve sold two guitars. One was a Ibanez dreadnought with cutaway which I sold for way too less. I was 15 at the time and the buyer tricked me by having only a certain amount of money on him. Not regretted selling the guitar, but rather the amount of money I got.

Another one is an old Furch dreadnought in full mahogany. That was a beautiful guitar. I just needed the money at the time, but thinking about it I still regret selling it. I bought it for a ridiculously low price at the time (around 350eu), but nowadays you would buy them for next to 1000eu.

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This thread is making me feel better about being too lazy to sell off the gear I have that’s just lying around rarely being used :slightly_smiling_face:


Not always immediate, but I have few things that I regret selling. Often, I’ve come across them at a good/great price, and have then for reasons such as lack of space and/or feeling overwhelmed by having too much gear sitting unused decided to pass them on to someone else. It in most cases felt like the right thing to do at the time, but I have later realised that what I had was special and is hard to impossible to find again in the same condition/at the same price.

The list includes:

  • A couple Roland Space echos and a Klemt Echolette. (have since gotten myself another Space echo).

  • Octave The Cat SRM

  • Korg Lambda (including original hardcase) and MS-10

  • Fender Jaguar 1965 and a 1971/72 Telecaster Thinline (I paid $1000 for this just a couple of years ago). Both were refins, so no pure collectors items.

  • Analog Keys

Oof, I have an AV65 reissue funnily enough.

I maybe slightly regret selling the '77 Telecaster I had in my teens but it’s purely for sentimental reasons, the Jaguar was more the sound I was looking for all along and I’m happy just having one guitar.

I regret selling my Alpha Juno but only because I timed it incredibly badly - their price had been really stable forever and within months of me selling they were suddenly going for twice as much. Typical.

…woud’nt call it immediate… but after dtakts latest reboost, i defenitly regret giving it away already two years ago…