Import Sysex Files on the Machinedrum


Can someone help me
How do import Sysex Files to the Machinedrum
Have no TM-1 MIDI Interface
When I load the files in C6 and then transmit
Comes to Machinedrum Error Message
Wrong Packet or Wrong Checksum

Thanks for your Answer and Help

My C6 Midi Pref.

Midi Out from my Soundcard too Midi In from my Machinedrum

Haven’t tried this in a while. But don’t you need to connect both MIDI in and MIDI out to the Machinedrum. A two way handshake ?

midi in and midi out is only required if the received data on the MD will be checked by the MD and then the MD sends back a report if all the data had been transmitted.

to 1 midi cable should suffice IIRC

Maybe try increasing the delay?

And watch out for false dumps. I mean transmission in both ways (export/import) is completed and confirmed no errors, but after import got different sounds that should be or different patterns.

After few badluck episodes i’ve made a little investigation dumping few times the same “All” package, then compare output files in dedicated software. In worst cases files differred even 30 bytes. The solution is to use longer delays or increase buffer.

PS: i used midiOX and sysexdump software. Dont know if c6 has the same problem, but worth to check just for sure. MnM has the same problem.