"Important information about OB 2.0" What?

What is this?

Why cannot I use an elektron device’s sequencer for sequencing the Elektron device? What happens if I do?

How is this… What?

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Nothing to worry here, you can use the sequencer of your Elektron box when running overbridge.

Just try it, you will see.

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Yeah, I’m about to – had a bit of an edgy style in my OP, but I just think that this is a good example of bad communication. :slight_smile:

Don’t remember seeing that before. Either the wording is clunky there, or Elektron really are strongly suggesting not using their own sequencers with OB. That’s a new one to me.

Elektron needs be kind as a company but the “i’ve read this” next to the checker box should say “ fuck it!”

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They’re saying that you should use the plug-in track, not treat it as external midi, no?
That’s how I read it.


Seems like a good way to (try to) lighten the load on the support inbox by advising clearly how best to use the software to avoid latency/timing issues etc

I guess use which ever way you want, but if you want the optimal experience, do as prescribed


Agreed - my bone to pick here is that the attempt leaves so much ambiguity. I would urge them to rewrite it with more info provided. Right now, it’s downright confusing.


That’s possible… But why? Is the timing better? Why do the say that is should be sequenced OR synced from within the daw? Is that really an either/or situation, and what does that help solve?

What does external MIDI mean here? Sending MIDI from DAW via MIDI outs to A4? Sequencing A4 from within the machine? Third option?

When using the plugin, do not take audio directly from your audio interface to your DAW – but, I want to – I have tons of other synths? Are you talking about strictly A4 audio or all audio? Why do I want to do that? Do I have to do two passes to accommodate for Overbridge? Or four passes if I have 3 Elektrons + other stuff?

There’s more ambiguity than information, packed into that neat popup. :smiley:

I’m available for copywriting as well as standup at parties, I liven up the place

Yes. Or from another sequencer, like SQ-1 or squarp pyramid or whatever else you have that can send MIDI.

Sequencing A4 from within the machine?

Sequencing it with its own internal sequencer would not be external MIDI, would it?

The way I read it, it’s saying don’t sequence the Elektron device by sending MIDI to it. It says nothing about not using the internal sequencer.

When using the plugin, do not take audio directly from your audio interface to your DAW – but, I want to – I have tons of other synths? Are you talking about strictly A4 audio or all audio?

Just the A4. It’s a bullet point underneath the text saying "“audio from the device must come via the plugin”.

I agree it could be a bit clearer, but it seems like you’re choosing to read it in the worst possible way, ignoring the context.


Last i tested (which is a good while ago) it was impossible to directly align OB and audio interface recording in Ableton. I always kept some offset that needed to be corrected post recording.

There are threads on it.

I’m sincerely not trying to be contrarian just to stir things up - but for instance here, ’external’ could be in relation to the DAW/Overbridge. Which would make sequencing the A4 from itself external.

Oh well… I’m hoping this shows up in the search for someone grappling with the same popup in the future. :slight_smile: appreciate all the insight!

I went and did the exact opposite of what the popup said and I’m alive.