Imported samples have .... as name?

I started toying with my new MD last night and tried to load in some samples. They loaded in fine, but they’re all named “…”. How can I fix this?


I think you are supposed to be able to fix this in C6…but I also seem to recall having issues with that part not always working correctly.

Usually I just rename them on the MD and deal with it.

I think you are supposed to be able to fix this in C6…but I also seem to recall having issues with that part not always working correctly.

Usually I just rename them on the MD and deal with it.[/quote]
I contacted Elektron support and they said this:
"In C6 config window please check the box for “Send SPS-1UW Name”

I’ll have to try it out tonight.


Send SPS-1UW Name

From MD OS1.62 the SPS-1UW allows a 4 letter sample name

Don’t forget to prior organize your file with something suit your needs like BD01.wav ; BD02.wav ; CP01.wav ; Ho01.wav ; Hc01.wav ; RC01.wav ; MT.01.wav

if you’re on MAC your best friend is

and Myriad :

(But it’s extremely hard to organize with 4 letters don’t forget you can create folders and set MD to upload on each one before to send your materials organized in that couple of folders)