Improvised Techno Set LIVE


Just listened to this and it took me back to my old dj days, this is top notch I liked every minute of it 11/10 :joy:
Please try and do some more of this stuff for us to listen, great performance and top notch control of the hardware.



Wow. Thank you all so much. Your feedback really makes me want to push harder to become as good as possible!

Itā€™s so nice, I will have vacation all of Februari. Iā€™ll definitely use that time to practice every hour of every day! Well, I might throw in some sleep here and there as well, hah.

(And a Berlin visit is booked as well, if youā€™re there the 15th of Februari, it would be really cool to meet up a fellow elektronaut or two at Berghain!) :smiley:

really digging this, like someone mentioned, mad karenn vibes, right down my alley! Cant wait for more! Also agreeing on what de wouvser said about using ā€œdetentionā€ more efficient!

but yeah, iĀ“d attend your live-show for sure!

Holy crap, I didnā€™t mean that I would be playing at Berghain. Sorry, hah! (That would be a dream come true thoughā€¦)

I just meant meeting up and chatting and such. :slight_smile:

hehe , yeah i kinda got that. what i meant was if you had been playing somewhere and I could be a possible attendeĆ©, youĀ“d have me as a happy chap on the floor! :wink:

That would be awesome! It seems like youā€™re Swedish, judging by your name? Are you in Stockholm? I think I will be playing at an underground electronic festival around the middle of February. I can send you a PM with info if you want!

Really nice stuff!

Blown away by that set, Dawid.

Amazing stuff!:slight_smile:

Good stuff. How do you make your kicks sound so cavernous? Is that the Rytm reverb or something else?

Very Techno!

STOOR recorded live premiering rn on YouTube.