Improvised Techno Set LIVE

If anyone could give me some feedback on this live set I just recorded I would be really, really grateful.


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It’s very good! A bit like Karenn style techno. I haven’t listened to it all, i’m at work now but I will soon :slight_smile: But what I’m hearing now is solid, great job!

Good set… Transitions are done well… Drum programming very good like the rides… I found the mix a bit muddy in the low end… Try and notch out around 250Hz or cut the low end on sounds that dont need it… What gear you using beside the Elekttron boxes? You have a show coming up… Really liked what was going on around the 27min mark…

Damn you David, I feel dozed after listening to it…

Wow! Thank you so much, everyone!

I’ll think about the muddy low end, Cosmosauve. That is very good feedback.

“What gear are you using besides the Elektron boxes?”

Most often I use the Bass Station 2, the Volca Bass, The Roland VT-3 Voice Transformer, and the Korg Kaoss Pad Quad.

Thanks again!

(To be mentioned in the same post as Karenn is a really great honour, hah! That’s kind of one of my main goals, to be some sort of one-man Karenn, but with my own flavour of course.)

“You have a show coming up…”

Yes! I’m playing tonight in Stockholm at a place called Slakthused with Harvey Mckay. Celebrating the birthday of someone called Damien Eie who is like the godfather of the Stockholm underground rave scene. Really looking forward to it, packing my stuff right now!

Obvious but be sure to record it… Best of luck…

Dear Dawid,

straight in your face, MORE !!!

This Sound remember me to DJ Dee Patten.

The beginning @ 16:15 groove’s really good.

All the best,


It’s killer, well done man.

question, are the kicks mostly handled by AR?

they sound great

awsome … what a nice hard groove techno live set. Made a download

Really cool stuff Dawid!
Just skipped between the 50’, i’ll listen completely later when working.

Fantastic set! Lots of good grooves in there. And yes, also hoping you’ll record your gig tonight.

First of all, i must say i really love this set. It is what i want to do myself and i am busy learning it. It is fat, groovy and on a very nice way dance floor oriented.

You ask for feedback, i would like to give you Some feedback about what i think Can be improved. I hope you undertand i try to help you, i am not negátive… It is really good.

I think your grooves are somewhat one dimentional. The sounds you use are nice, but once i hear a pattern with the sound, the pattern stays the same till next groove. I try to deal with this myself on 2 ways. One: i try to make longer patterns. Two, i try to make different synth patterns with the same sound in the same groove. In most cases i copy past a pattern, adjust it a little bit, sometimes only with new plocks and adding/removing some trigs… And there it is. This helps to create a longer attention span and makes your music less groove oriented.

I also think you could do much more with beatless parts. Detention is very important for me, especially when i am standing on the dancefloor. The beat tunnel is nice, but many people need more variation. It is possible to create a lot of music and tention in beatless parts, this creates new energy for the next beat.

Also, similar to this, i love it when in grooves there is more diversity in the muscles i want to move. More variation in drum patterns helps me to have this. I think you Can do much more with your rytm.

Just some ideas, but remember it is really good you are doing, ánd i love it to see these video’s, it motivates me to do what i want to do. Keep on the good vibes and i hope i Can see your live gig.

I’m really, really honoured to hear such good things from members from this community of supertalented musicians. Wow. Thank you so much!

Thank you for your feedback, De wouzer. That is exactly what I am looking for. I will take all your points into serious account!

The gig went really well! Here’s a short video:

really nice!

Hello, Huck Farper! Thank you! Yeah, kind of. In this video I would say that about 40% is pure AR synthesis, 40% is samples played in the AR, and 20% is a combination of synthesis and samples.

great stuff man i’d agree with adding variation in the patterns… liking the tough sound…

Made this yesterday if anyone’s interested in live techno! I’ve started to really like using a synthesis+sample kick. It can become so enourmous!

Sorry if anyone feels I’m posting to much of my own stuff here. I just get so excited, hah.

Hey Dawid, really great stuff, you should release some tracks, especially that one the, is massive! (i think that’s the one at 30:00 min on your first post video)

Very good set, think it is close to my personal techno taste…Well done!